My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Fries, And A Chocolate Shake Please...

Now, I am known for my random off the wall cravings. Since November of '07 I have been in a constant Fri crave. It never stops! It started the day we all voted for something. I can't remember what we voted for... all I remember is I stood in line with Stanley at the Daybreak city hall place and I made him go to Arctic Circle after he was finished so I could get fries... and it just hasn't stopped! I've picked up a few others since then. Ice cream, chocolate shakes, dark chocolate, hot tamales (the candy), warm cookies, my popcorn, strawberry lemonade, etc. Though the cravings of these past 2 1/2 weeks has been insane! Crazy Bread, cookie dough, movie popcorn, sun chips, and Harry Potter of all things. I'm not even kidding you. This past week I have watched all 5 Harry Potter movies over, and over, and over again! I can quote you word for word what each of them says. I think I annoyed the dickens out of Sunnie last night with the 5th movie... I was hanging pictures up around my room, re-arranging things (which by the way, the room looks fantastic!!!) and quoting the movie... Umbridge makes me so inappropriately happy! I despise the woman, she is absolutely vial, but Ooo she is a delicious character! Not to mention, I am in the middle of re-reading all of the books... again. I don't know where this incessant need to consume all things Harry Potter came from, but it's extremely... erm... I don't even know the word for it. I've always used British slang, so it isn't that... I've always been able to quote the Harry Potter books, so it can't be that... who knows, all I know is I've gone through 3 tubes of cookie dough in the past 2 weeks (papa murphys has my favorite, aside from Toll House) 2 bags of Sun chips, I've only had popcorn once this week, but it was a ridiculous amount, and I am about to go and spend $3.01 on an order of crazy bread and red sauce... and I am toting around the H.P. books and it's on my mind 24/7. I'll probably be finishing the 1st movie tonight as I go to bed...

For your enjoyment...
The Trailer for the 6th movie -Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince
In Theaters July 17, 2009

sneak peak #1

sneak peak #2


I think so.

1 comment:

Marisa said...

Man we ARE like the same person! My cravings have been insane! Almost everything you've been craving I've been craving. This summer is going to be interesting with the 2 of us and our random cravings and random stuff. Love you!