My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Return of The Killer Infection.

Yes, I am going to bring this out into the public. I think it is time. The infection is back. It has been for awhile. In fact the night a friendship was called everything off is the night I realized it personally. I chose not to deal with it then as I needed to deal with the emotional stuff that was going on at that moment. The stress from everything going on in my life however escalated things to a degree I hadn't expected. My lower torso is beginning to swell. I don't want to hit the hospitals again so I am asking you just send out a prayer or two. Faith, Fasting, and Prayer are what saved me last time, and I have no doubt that's what'll get me completly cured of this killing infection. It's been holed up in the appendix. Frustrating. I know. But! There is no point in being frustrated with the doctors, because as I said before, it'll show it's face when it's good and ready... it just likes to show up when my closest friends disappear. Haha! :) Ironic isn't it?

Hey, I had to find humor in this somewhere. "If you can laugh at it, you can live through it"

I have no doubt this is just another minor set back in my plans, but a step further in the Lord's. I have no reason to doubt him now. If you go to my life-through-lyrcs blog... you'll find the song I have been all but living off of lately, and one that hits a soft spot right now. I think some of you may enjoy them.

Love to all!

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