My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Voice Of A What!?

Everyone can sing, but whether or not we have the talent for it is another thing entirely. There are three types of people. The stony, silent types that hate those of us that sing in our cars. We look like gaping idiots they say, leave that to the gold fish trapped in murky bowls at the dentists office. The talented singers or confident singers that don’t care who hears them, or what they sound like. They just sing anyway, and they enjoy it! Then there are those of us who blare the music so loud no one knows you’re singing. You can’t feel your fingertips after the first few beats from the bass and still we belt it til our lungs collapse... oddly enough it’s not that we can’t sing, we just don’t have that courage it takes to turn it down and actually listen to ourselves. It’s more fun to believe we're in tune, and not know how truly terrible we are. Let us alone! We are happy not knowing, and not letting you know either! We enjoy going deaf, and collapsing our lungs at the same time. It’s safer than opening that realm of vulnerability! If you can sing, please go ahead, it’s wonderful to hear! We all enjoy it, and we look forward to purchasing your CD when it comes out... just don’t expect everyone to be like you. If I don’t sing in the car, don’t be offended. Take it as a compliment! I’d rather hear you than radio anyway! Optimism we all smile... guy at the gas station, don’t glare at me because my music is loud... smile because I’m not blowing smoke in your face. Lady flipping us off at the light because you could feel our bass line... be happy because we were alert enough to notice you were having a bad day! Enjoy the chocolate on the back of your car! Kid on the sidewalk dancing to the same beat.... way to go man! Dance it up, we’ve only got one life to live!
Our music doesn’t scream, it doesn’t promote suicide or drug use (except a few choice classic rock songs... ) It’s totally upbeat, with a beat! Freak, we even blare a little Rachmaninoff on the good occasion! Don’t frown at us because the car bounces with every beat, rejoice because we are happy, healthy, and living! We may not have the voice of an angel; but... you can’t hear us anyway.... HAHA! Have a wonderful day, and enjoy a good slice of the musical pie!

Fire In The Hole!!!

Fire is a beautiful and terrible thing all at the same time. Neither paintbrush, nor camera has ever been able to capture the wonder that is fire. It has all of a mind, soul, and desire of it's own, and if left un-tamed it will go wild. Take for instance a candle, it's wax, and wick are encased in glass or some kind of glass protector typically... but what happens when the glass becomes too hot, or the wax begins to bubble. I'll tell you, angels come and warn you that your house is about to explode, so you jump over your best friend and bolt to your little sisters room only to catch that flame as it is about to lick it's way up the walls covered in waxy and flammable paint, then move on to the highly explodable night lamp. Though I didn't hesitate to smother the flames, The image is forever burned into my memory, as well as the voice of the spirit guide or angel that warned me that noise I was hearing wasn't water but boiling wax about to burst forth and take hold of what we had been blessed with. The people inside of it, the parakeets, our house of the past 7 years that we had pushed, scrimped, and stressed over, every worldly thing we have would have been sacrificed by negligence and a destroying beauty. That simple image of the flames over taking that small glass is one of awe inspiring and flooring intensity that will forever thrill my heart. The flames were white, blue, and a hint of orange signifying intense heat. The glass dome the candle was in was deformed, and charcoaled. Other than ringing in our ears and fear adrenaline running through our veins we were all un-harmed... though I personally was touched. We'd all received small warnings of having that flame going in her room. Right before Stanley came over I was reminded of the last candle incident we'd had. I was Leesa's age, and my candle slipped off my night stand and lit my carpet on fire. Somehow it missed my bed and I was able to also simply blow that fire out as well. The carpet is still missing; we've placed a rug over it. The burn marks are in the shape of a child’s foot and a heart. I have my own suspicions behind the shapes left from that incident, and the way that I was told to run to my room for that fire also. Still, I ignored it thinking it is firmly in the middle of her desk, it will be fine. Leesa was told several times to go put the candle out while she was downstairs doing homework but ignored it until the alarms went off and I started screaming at her. Stanley was in a state already as we had been in a forced (on my part) silence for the past 2 days. We were trying to work out our situation and calm hurt feelings when I bolted. He meandered in once the alarms went off, and inserted a concern for the well-being of everyone involved. (We fixed things well enough afterwards... goodness I love his hugs!) It was certainly an interesting night, full of all sorts of adventures and wonders

Between The Lines...

Have you ever had the feeling that everyone was talking in lies, and only between the lines were the truths they so desperately wished to share. Was there ever a time where you knew you were being singled out because you were different, but instead of being held in high esteem you were hidden like a bad hair day under someones baseball cap. It's in those moments where you feel likes it's you against the world... let the best man win... and he who sheds the first tear loses the game... It's in those hard moments when what you truly believe, and what you are made of shines brightest, and there is no covering you with even the biggest sombrero... Those "Ah-Ha, ta-da, and I'M ALIVE" moments are the moments that guide our own pathways. A come to Jesus moment if you will, when you know who you are, and you finally love yourself for being you. You are strong, you are priceless, and you are loved by someone who will never leave you! At times, yes it will only be you, but you will be okay. It's your battle to fight, and it's going to be just you on that battlefield, but look to your sides, and in the bleachers of that little league game is your Lord and Savior, your family, your friends, and those that will always be your support. Sometimes they can't show it, but in their heart of hearts they know you are right, and they will someday pick up a bat and join in the baseball game. The little league, becomes the big leagues with a full team, and it's 3rd star to the right straight on til midnight when the clock strikes, the pumpkin falls, and you've lived a whole life full of happiness, freedom, and purpose! Isn't it worth it to throw your rope to the other side of the fence, climb over, and realize the grass really is greener where you are... find your fence, plant your grass, and build a house! Someone is waiting for you to catch the rope and pull them over too! To save a life is to save the world... So quit writing between the lines, and put it in bold print!