My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Back In Touch With Reality...

Well, as many of you know I have been un-reachable for the past few days. My phone has been dead, and I was rather slow about replacing it. I will tell you right now, if it weren't for the absolute necessity of having a cell phone with me at all times (thank you health issues.) I would simply turn the thing off and enjoy the blissful peace that follows with the knowledge that I could disappear fully and entirely and no one would know where or how to find me. I have been more relaxed in those days without a phone than I have been in years. I didn't have to worry about who was calling, or why they were calling, or needing to check up on this or that... goodness! It did get a bit scary driving by myself knowing if anything happened I couldn't call for help... Though I enjoyed my short lived vacation I am back in touch with reality, and technology. I have been given a very high tech phone, and I'm finding I enjoy it, though it's been kicking my trash when it comes to texting speed. Those of you who have ever seen me on my phone know I was a wicked fast texter... it happens when it's your only means of communicating for 4 weeks of your life... Kara, darling girl, has given me a Motorolla Q Smart Phone. It's going to take some getting used to, but I am excited! When Kara said she had a phone I could have; I expected an older standard phone. You know, one of those flip phones everyone had when we were in high school. I was floored when she handed me the box with this phone. I am so thankful I have so many wonderful friends, new and old that are always so willing to stop and help no matter what the need is!
This is what the phone looks like. You'll have to be patient with me while I get acquainted with the in's and out's of this phone. I'll get it eventually!
For an update of everything... I've been getting to know a few people better, and it's been really exciting for me! These were people I've known from a distance for some time. Two in particular I met in high school, but we didn't ever talk until this past year. For some reason, they've come into the forefront and we've been talking fairly regularly. I find I am learning a lot from these individuals, and I am excited to see where things go! Also, there is a group of people in my singles ward that I've been associating with more and more. I am so grateful to have met these people. I actually sat and watched the superbowl for the first time in my life with them... Never though that would happen! I find myself looking forward to the Sunday lessons, and ward prayer afterwards. I remember aobut FHE, and I'm actually excited to go. Not because they will be there, but because I want to be there. I've always loved church, and being in a place that is spiritually uplifting, but never really felt I fit in. This ward did so much for me while I was in the hospital, and I will be forever in their debt, but I am so different from other ward members I tend to recieve odd looks when I speak up. I'm a bit more open-minded than most Mormons, and I find it creates a barrier between some of the more staunch members. I am completely accepted by this particular group of people and I think it's because the core 3 people and I have similar views on the difference between being LDS and being Mormon... It's been really nice being able to talk religion with someone, and not be judged because I say there is a huge difference between the gospel and the church.
I have been working with my daddy at his store for the past several weeks, and it's been going wonderfully! Papa and I have been getting along beautifully, and we've been able to get quite a bit done. We've gotten all the tv commercials filmed, and we're done with the main web videos for his shoe repair. Even the website is nearly finished. I love watching my daddy get so excited about how far we've come. We're very similar my dad and I, this is both a blessing and a curse. I am very stubborn and strong-willed, and I believe what I believe. I get a lot of that from him. It is great when we agree, but when we differ all Hell breaks loose. Though, it has made me a better person, I think. I wouldn't be as strong in my faith and in what I believe and the goals I have for myself if my daddy didn't challenge me to be that way.
My mom and I are so close to resolving the financial issues from the hospital adventure last summer, and that has been an enormous stress relief let me tell you what! I can't wait to have that over and done with so I can get back to school, and back on track with the plan I have for myself!
The week of the cruise went smoothly. I very nearly killed 'The Woman,' but stood my ground, and kept my temper in check. Thanks largely to the priesthood blessing I recieved from Gerry Graves, and his son Jacob Graves. Alaina and I were able to see the Draper Temple in the middle of all of this. Simply gorgeous! My family came home sunday night. Cameron was happy to see his parents again, but things are a bit different. It's been interesting these past few days. He's super sensitive, and testy. He refuses to sleep for longer than an hour unless he's in my arms, or he's with my mom being fed. My dad suggested we spray my pillow with my perfume, turn my bed on to a low heat and see if he'll sleep that way. My arms are rather tired from always having that adorable baby in my arms... Not to mention I'm rather bruised at the moment. I think my depth perception is broken yet again, as I have a bruise from every door, door-nob, door-frame, corner, or piece of furniture/machinery from both my house and my daddy's store.
Well, my nausea has gotten ahold of me again. I am going to try to see if I can't find some sort of rest tonight. I so hope they figure out what is wrong with my body, and soon!

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