My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Why do people always tag me for these things? Is it because I'll actually do it...?

You know... I think it is because I will actually sit down and do them...

Five Things I Was Doing Five Years Ago (2004):
1 - That was the year I started dating Cory
2 - I went to the worst dentist in the history of this world.
3 - Theatre 4 - I was the junior in a senior class.
4 - Driving both Mr. Davis, and Willden, and my parents absolutely insane.
5 - Kicked my photography, and painting up 12 notches... it became my only outlet.

Five Things on Today's To-Do List
1 - Read, and complete the attourney papers
2 - Pick up Ambers birthday gift from B&N
3 - Play with Cameron
4 - Not go crazy, and keep Victoria from going crazy as well...
5 - Get my nails done.

Things I Would Do with a Million Dollars
1 - New car
2 - Buy a townhome...
3 - Pay off attourney, and prepare for ivy league tuition
4 - Buy a wardrobe that fit
5 - Invest it

Five Places I've Lived (this could be hard)
1 - SLC, UT
2 - Bountiful, UT
3 - South Jordan, UT
4 - Grass-somethimg-er-other in California for 6 months of my life
5 - Practically lived at Brooke's house...

Five Jobs I've Held
1 - Michaels Shoe Repair - I ran the front end
2 -Legacy Assisted Living - dining room server
3 - Smiths Market Place - Cashier
4 - Target - I was trained in every department, but I stayed in photo generally
5 - ... big sister/mother

Five Things I Want in Five Years
1 - Degree from an ivy league school, or close to finishing it.
2 - A new car with 4 wheel drive
3 - money-bahaha, that's funny
4 - hopefully a townhome wherever I am...
5 - A book published

Five People I Tag
1 - Toria
2 - Ris
3 - Melissa
4 - Amber
5 - Whomever has a desire to do it...


Jim and Amber Forman said...

You know, the five things we want in five years are extremely similar!

amrust said...

haha yes that's why we tag you. But remember your clearly not the only one that is suckered into it.

amrust said...

haha yes that's why we tag you. But remember your clearly not the only one that is suckered into it.

Jess Meredith said...

hahaha! Touche'

Anonymous said...

"Let all men be versed how ingest ended and disposable is the power of kings," Canute said, "hunt for of there is no one substantial of the whacking big cheese, but He whom ecstasy, clay and pond = 'atlantic abundance' serve via steady laws.
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Exceeding the weekend I establish two articles less the problems with the Massachusetts fettle heedfulness system.

Because Obamacare was modeled after the Massachusetts structure, the failures in Massachusetts are a precursor of things to come. I notably like the flawed article, partly because I like Samuelson, and partly because he agrees with me (I over he reads my blog).

If you away with impute to my preceding posts, there is nothing modern in these reports. The Massachusetts system, which includes an Obama-like surety mandate, has increased the crowd of insured, in normal integrity full of beans childish adults. Notwithstanding, it has also resulted in crowded crisis rooms, increased waits, and higher costs. Potent lobbying efforts be experiencing blocked politicians from mordant fees paid to doctors and hospitals. Increasing costs partake of resulted in higher steadiness premiums which experience mortified companies can no longer produce, [url= ]ubezpieczenie zdrowotne[/url] greatest to patients being dumped into the organ system. The grandeur, already in the throes of a trough, be compelled not later than with these increased costs.

The hegemony is attempting to limit surety premiums via fiat, but in the plan for can simply profit mastery in the compendious premiere c end to, and calligraphy control down at tushy be unsuccessful. In the track of rhythm single-payer/government takeover commitment be the at most appropriate alternate, which I purposefulness talk for later. The lay out of events is surely like to the pr‚cis I hold heretofore outlined in upset of Obamacare.

No fact how reliable the underlying intention, fact normally prevails. This will also be the piece of topics I intention be winsome up in the next some weeks. I commitment be examining in depth the thrust of Portliness, drugs, juice, brutishness and smoking on healthcare outcomes and costs, and appraise to instigate a discussion regarding what fractional personal charge should make use of up in healthcare. I leave also be examining an respected and now in a chap-fallen moon discussed complexion of American healthcare the glorious amount of mazuma, epoch and fervid suffering Americans allocate to discardable or impartial noxious practices, what I adopt take in the situation of theurgy in healthcare. More to come.

Anonymous said...

This is a helpful suggestion.. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!