My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sensibility, Sensitivity, Sensuality...

Eyes closed, face lifted to the sky, drinking in the sun's warmth, as I walk barefoot through yard. Licentious... the only word I could possibly think of to describe the feeling of wiggling my toes through the grass, sun coloring my cheeks, my roses throwing tendrils of scented air through my hair, around my fingertips, and pulling up the corners of my lips. Ah, how I miss the sensualities that create the warm seasons. ...June... I cannot wait for June. Rain. Mmm, the gentle pitter pat of the drops hitting the world around you. Feeling the slip and wetness between your fingers as you spin gracing the kisses from the sky. When it rains I take my camera to a place called The Hollow. The colors are so vibrant, so unreal. The first time it rains this spring I think I will go to Murray's Jordan River Parkway Trail. There is a little white metal bridge hidden amongst the leaves with the word Dream etched into it's railings. I have an image in my head, and I am going to capture it. This year is going to be a one of a kind. Something is going to happen. I can feel it. I don't know what it is, but I know it's big. I'm excited, and afraid... but until then I will continue in my sensual adventures. Letting my heart lead the way...

Open Your Eyes, Heart, Mind... and just... Feel...

1 comment:

Jim and Amber Forman said...

If only you could see the image created in my mind by your words!