My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

So Clear. So Crisp. So Alive

Wandering around outside this evening. Enjoying the music in my head, and dancing along with the rain. It was a beautiful sight. God truly is the master hand of this art piece. His paint brush is one to be admired, and sought after. Even in the dark I could see every leaf on the branches of the trees. I could see the color, and even more I could feel the life around me. It was as though my eyes were clear from the every day strife that clouds our vision from moment to moment. All I wanted to do in that moment was fly through the sky. To see the lights reflecting off of the clouds making a second sunset. To fly through the sky and be a part of the blue you only get in the twilight of night. The night air was so clear. So crisp. So alive. So pure...

What a world we live in, when a simple walk home enlightens such truths. When the simple things bring about the richest joys. When each day is a new adventure.

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