My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Priceless Individuals...

What is the cost of a life? We are all told we are priceless. That no number or store barcode could ever label us. There are those that will disagree. I was given a price value to save my life. I was given a number to identify just how much my life was worth to the world... but I was not given a barcode label to show just how much living life was going to be worth to me. In the eyes of the medical world, my price totaled an astounding $204,955.65. Did your heart stop for a moment there too? I'll tell you, when I finally totaled everything up, mine certainly stopped, my jaw dropped, and I had to double take to finally process the number. I went through and assessed each and every expense. From the cost of the ICU rooms, to the ambulance/helicopter, to the medications I was delivered, and the in-home healthcare... I had over 48 different billing companies trying to contact me. All but 3 of them are medical. I was given a price for my life, but not a price of living my life. To have the ability to wake up to a new day, to get up, walk around, and take a deep breath. That is priceless. To see the people, places, and things I have been blessed with. To be able to dance in the rain, feel emotion, and play in the sun. That is priceless. To feel the love of a Heavenly Father. To be a part of a family that will see you through all that life has to offer and throw at at you. To have friends that will stand by your side, and love you through your stupid quirks, and idiotic phrases... that is priceless. For the world, all is monetary means. It is the expense of a house, clothing, and the sustenance we need to survive. The world will tell us the average man ($25,000.00 annual) with a mid-sized family will spend anywhere between $40,000.00-$65,000.00 annually; and that is just housing, clothing, food, and transportation. Where are the numbers for the worth of a life? And, how do you put a price on a life? You cannot. Remember, Faith makes things possible, not easy. You simply have to learn to live, love, and let live. Happiness is a way of being, it is the way you choose to live your life. I am priceless, because I choose to be. To be alive is worth everything in this world. The price of your life, is yours to decide. I hope you deem yourself priceless, and I pray you live your life in a way that continually proves that belief.

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