My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Я тебя люблю (That's I Love You in Russian!)

Je n'ai pas l'intention de se lamenter. Je ne cherche pas à. Je voulais juste quelqu'un pour écouter. Quelqu'un à qui parler à... Je suis désolé... Je t'aime...
I have finally figured a way to express everything I would like to and not worry about people understanding, or going to great lengths to read between the lines. If you really want to know what I am saying... email me. I will happily tell you, but as I said before... somethings are meant to be secret, but some secrets need to be shared. Well... I have shared them. They are out of my system, and if you really have nothing better to do, go get a french and a swedish dictionary and translate what I said... Je vous souhaite bonne chance!
As for other news... My dad's family decided to have a "family meeting" or as my mom and I like to call them... Brainwashing meetings... What they do is they all congregate at one place and give a history lesson. (or they did this time. I don't go to these things unless forced.) Grandpa John stood and expressed thanks at being invited into our home to hold one of these meetings. He had enjoyed the visits he made in the hospital, and realized he was missing them. Apparently he liked the fact that I would speak my mind... Anyway, he told a few mission stories of grandpa Clyde's... to which he altered facts to make it sound like they were a holy people... whatever I know how the missions were divied out in those days. He told of how the Order started and why my grandpa Clyde converted as the 2nd man to in the Order... He proceeded to talk about how the Mormons are good people, but we are just mistaken. We don't have all the "holy" principles and ways as Joseph Smith had. We had enough to make progress and to grow as a religion, but we were becoming Catholics slowly... HA! I wanted to cut him off there and contradict everything that he was saying... but I was polite and kept the smirk off of my face, though it was plain as day in my eyes. :) I am paraphrasing this obviously... but that is the jist of what happened... It is so hard to keep my mouth shut at these things... but I would have been overtaken, which just wasn't worth the effort it would have taken to whip out my book of Mormon and explain that that church of the Devil isn't the Catholic church, and the LDS aren't becoming Catholics... and we haven't lost or forgotten any of the restoration... As for the Order, when you have missionaries, serve the sacrament, carry the priesthood, and organize as Christ has asked of us, then maybe I'll give you the time of day... and offer you a chance to erm... preach in my house... until then... STUFF IT! I don't want to hear it!

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