My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Clearly... I Am Not Who You Think I Am...

"Now, don’t just walk away Pretending everything’s okay And you don’t care about me
And I know there’s just no use When all your lies become your truths and I don’t care...
You took all there was to take, And left me with an empty plate And you don’t care about it.
And I am givin' up this game I’m leaving you with all the blame cause I don’t care
You can’t run away from yourself
Would you look me in the eye? Could you look me in the eye? I’ve had all that I can take
I'm not about to break Cause I’m happy now, Are you happy now?"

I am going 30+ hours and no sleep. I am not exactly a person to be trifled with today. I've been walked over and blamed for stupid things one too many times in the past 48 hours. I am sorry if I offend anyone in the duration of this, but I can't find any peace until I get this out of my system. *side note... I do have a few vulgar phrases included. I've kept it to a minimum for those of you it offends...

I am not your personal taxi. I don't care if you are pregnant. Don't call me up in the middle of the night crying because you had another "really bad fight". It's your marriage, fix it yourself. That is what a marriage is. If the two of you can't afford a baby, then don't go getting yourself pregnant. If you are so unsure of your husbands desire and drive to stay with you that you need a baby to keep your marriage together then there is something wrong there. I am sick and tired of coming to your rescue because I have a soft heart. Only to drive all the way down to your white trash hole-in-the-wall and have the two of you talking it out in the street. My heck! Don't call and beg me to come and get you until it's been a full 24 hours since he's left. I don't give a care anymore. You've cried wolf one to many times.

All I ever hear from you is how you are having a hard time with this, having a really tough time with that. I've heard your same story so many times I could quote it to you. I catch every slight alteration you make. I am not going to continue to pity you. I can't afford the gas it takes to drive down to your house, deal with your fiance, husband, boyfriend, fantasy boy. Everytime the story is the same, but the details go further and further up the fairytale strand. I'm taking my scissors and cutting you short. I'll listen to your story once, grieve with you, moan, and groan, and tell you everything will turn out alright... maybe twice, as you still haven't recieved closure on the issue... but three times and I've reached my call of duty limit... I can't keep trying to comfort you, and tell you that you were right to say or do what you did when I think it was the most ludicrous and idiotic way to handle a situation, that you are not right in your assesment of the happenings, and that your feelings are entirely one-sided. I'd love to tell you to pull your head out of your ass and open your eyes... but I am a good person, so I won't... no matter how badly I would like to. Then again tell me the same freaking story one more time, and I just might...

Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice, shame on you... but give me the cold shoulder without my having done anything to my knowledge and you can take back what you give out. I've had it with begging for your cooperation. I cannot fix what I don't know about, nor is it worth my time to figure out what the Hell is wrong with you. When you're ready to communicate like a normal and civil human being, I will give you the time of day. Until then, don't expect to cross my mind. I love you... but seriously, you're acting like a 5 year old.

Don't spread your cynicism, criticism, and cold humor. I don't care to spend my days listening to a pessimist woe about how awful their life is. I am cynical enough, I don't need you to help me. I am a happy person, I am feisty it's true, but I am happy. Who said you could pee in my cheerios!? Take your rude comments, and crude words somewhere else. I've had it with you bringing me down when I am just trying to enjoy life. My friends are my friends for a reason, and if you don't like them... Well, I really just don't give a cotton pickin' shit about it. You have your friends, and I don't dis on them, nor do I whine about how stupid they are. I don't expect you to like all of the people I hang out with, but if they were there first, you can wait your turn.

Telling me I'm wrong in enjoying a certain male person isn't exactly in your best interest at this point. Oh! Also... the next time you try and rag or label as a fag whatever guy I am leaning towards again, take a look at the person you are clinging too... and let's just keep it to ourselves... It's better to close your mouth and keep the stupid inside... ;)

I love the people I consider to be friends. Really, truly, I do... but you loaded your plate with too much all by yourself. I'm sorry your eyes were bigger than you stomach, but this just isn't going to be the right time to try and converse with me about your woes unless they are seriously just that dramatic. I'll help where I can, but I don't exactly have an empty plate in my lap. My head feels as though someone is compressing it between two thick rubber slabs, and I am not about to filter what I say. Blunt, honest, and to the point... that is what you will get. Again, I apologize if I offend you, but both my patience and inhibitions are shot. I've been walked on, through, and over to a point of breaking and I've got to sluff it off somehow. Truth hurts, but there are times when you need to be told...

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