My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Breaking Free...

So basically, I'm cracking... my facade is breaking... and I'm bursting at the seams... seem repetitive to you? Yeah, me too. I've got my music to fall into. Deserted Fields to run through, and a whole lot of emptiness to scream into. So, you'd think I'd be fine once I got it out of my system, and still it's stuck... Sitting at the tip of my tongue. Tugging on my lungs, stopping my breath short. I refuse to let it out. I'll break before I throw out my white flag. Try to take me down. I wish you luck. I'm a 'burnt girl' and I know my role. Run. It's cynicism, not sass. It's me being rude, not attractive. Get that through your thick head. I don't want you, I want...

Well... That much will stay with me.

You call it pride. I call it shame. Get off my back. I'll do what I feel is right, and that is all you have any right to ask... Keep trying. I've got more stubbornness than even I know. Good Luck...

Society is a masked ball, where every one hides his real character, and reveals it by hiding” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Je t'aime avec tout mon coeur, et je ne sais pas quoi en faire. Alors, je cours. Suis-je amoureux?Ai-je trop de soins pour vous? Je ne sais même pas mon propre coeur. J'ai peur de trouver la vérité. Non pas parce que j'ai peur de ce qu'elle est, mais à cause de ce qu'il peut effectuer. Que dois-je faire? Devrais-je essayer à nouveau? Dois-je rester ici? Je suis plus que vous savez... Je suis plus que un visage. Stuck vivant dans un même lieu... Lors de la gravure ponts ne descend pas... À l'instar des symphonies sans une bonne... Je me demande ... Existe-t-il espoir pour moi là-bas? Mon coeur est perdu à jamais? Est-il même mon propre? Je suppose que le temps nous le dira...

For every man's nature is concealed with many folds of disguise, and covered as it were with various veils. His brows, his eyes, and very often his countenance, are deceitful, and his speech is most commonly a lie. ~Cicero

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