My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

So... Jess 101...

So... basically I plagiarized Amy; who stole it from someone else... but I inserted a few alterations... A girl knows a good blog post when she sees one! It's pretty much girl 101... but my alterations make it Jess oriented... :)

1. Brush your teeth, there is nothing like a minty flavored kiss mm... mm... good!
2. Tell me I’m beautiful. Girls (well, most girls… well… me) don’t like to hear that they’re ‘hot’ or ‘sexy’ (May God help the next person who tells me I’m hot). We want to hear that we’re beautiful. Stunning. Gorgeous. Skinny as all hell. Even if it’s not true, the goofier it sounds to you, the more we’ll like it. And by we, I mean… me.
3. Be able to hold a halfway decent, intelligent conversation. Seriously, if you can’t talk to someone, what the hell is the point?
4. Respect my parents. This is important for a few reasons, the first being that they're my parents and by hell, they deserves your respect. The second being that if you can’t get along with my dad, then there’s a good chance you’d be unable to get along with anyone and in that case, I want nothing to do with you.
5. Be confident. Confidence is extremely attractive. Notice the word ‘confidence’ and the lack of the word ‘cockiness.’ Gargantuan difference. One’s awesome, and the other one makes me want to take a steamroller to your ego.
6. Have a sense of humor. This is a total requirement as I do far too many stupid things to be with someone who doesn’t appreciate them. Life is way too short not to take advantage of acting a fool on occasion.
7. Be a gentleman. This is something I’ve been trying to teach my brother… not that I’m having too much success, as he still lets doors slam in my face every chance he gets.
8. Call me. Text me. Drop by my work and say ‘hi.’ These are the sorts of dumb little things that let me know you’re thinking of me. And I like to know that.
9. Take it slow. I don’t want to be your baby mama by the third damn date.
10. Invite me to do things with you and your friends. And be willing to spend time with me and my friends. They might be completely off their rocker, but they’re my friends and they mean everything to me!
11. Play with my hair… mmmhmm, I love it!
12. Be able to watch (and quote! Bonus points for quoting!) my favorite shows and movies! I don’t know why I love love love this! If I can find someone who will sit through all of Pride and Prejudice and Gilmore Girls with me regularly and listen to me curse at the TV during every commercial break and witness the string of obscene hand gestures (and occasional crying) when the show ends, I know I’ve found a keeper! Other such shows include: One Tree Hill, House, Bones, Ace of Cakes, Secret Garden, Family Guy...
13. Tell me you love me… and mean it.


amrust said...

Hahaha! Love it Jess! One Tree Hill... Oh yeah! So good!

Marisa said...


amrust said...

haha yes! Ensign peak totally needs to happen quick! Considering I haven't seen you in like a week! But that's because I'm totally going to chop off my legs lol