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CES Fireside - Elder Jeffery R. Holland

Elder Holland started by giving us the history of Liberty Jail, and the story behind it. His transition was a quote from some guy that I didn't write down, nor can I quote him exactly but he said while many consider liberty jail to be just that a jail. Imprisonment. It is a jail temple. It is a place where many revelations happened, and perhaps because of that imprisonment we have D&C 121, 122, and 123. (further explanation... Temples are considered a place of peace and revelation. A place where the Lord brings clarity to our times of trial, and peace to our hearts in the most jumbled of situations.) Thus we start my notes...

Opening Hymn: 27, Praise to the Man
Introductory number by Oregon Youth Choir: Nearer My God To Thee

Elder Jeffery R. Holland:

When you have to, you can have sacred, revelatory, constructive experiences with the Lord in the most trying and berating times of your life. Every experience can be a healing and revelatory experience if we stay irrevocably tied to the Lord through it all. The Lord can turn any circumstantial location into a 'temple.' Bad experiences can happen, but perhaps some of these things have to happen; sometimes not just for us... but for future generations. (ex. Liberty Jail) There are 3 key points to remember when in a time of trial.

*Everyone will be called upon to experience trying times.
-Perhaps even more so the righteous
-What shall we do in response? Trust in the Lord, or curse him? -We must not
succumb to the fear that God has abandoned us.

+Our prayers are heard. When we weep, the Lord and his angels weep with us
-Even though seemingly unjust things may happen, the Lord is with us. He is our
+Nearer My God To Thee... (lyrics)

*We need to realize that just because these things happen, it does not mean we are
not Righteous.
-Trials came to Christ, and as he was triumphant so shall we be also.
-We cannot expect that we are not going to go through some bit of hardship.
especially if we consider ourselves to be disciples of Christ.
- However heavy our burden may be, it would be heavier had not the Savior
suffered it first.
-Provided by and because of the Atonement we have been lifted from bearing full
burden. It could always be worse.
-If you're having a bad day, you are in good company. The best company. Christ
was where you are now. Be Believing.

*In the Midst of these difficult feelings, we must not strike back. An eye for and
eye, will make us all blind.
-It is our responsibility as Christians to not strike back, but remain patient,
calms, and full of understanding
-We must live the gospel at all times; not just when times are good. It is when
we are at our it is when we are at our lowest we find what we are truly made
of. That is when Christian behavior matters the most.
-Even in the worst of times our hearts must be full of charity.
-The spirit has a near impossible task, to reach a heart filled with anger and
hate. However,the spirit has immediate access to a heart full of peace, and
-We must always be seeking in service. May we always do cheerfully that which
is required of us; and walk at all times in the light of Christ.
-D&C 123:17 Therefore, dearly beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all
things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost
assurance, to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed.

Bad days come to an end. Faith always triumphs. Heavenly promises are always kept. Hold on thy way; the Lord shall be with you forever.

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