My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

My story... In... Of... and Through... Color...

If I could, I would take my camera and take a picture for you. Just to tell you my story through color... It is impossible to re-trace my steps and capture every moment I hold dear through my lens. Though I may take a picture of the place where I stood, the place is empty... it's only in my memory... For you, it is a pretty picture, but for me it is so much more...

This is the 3rd day in a row I've had a stranger stop me and tell me that I am beautiful, attractive, genuinely pretty, and my personal favorite... a rare flower. I've never considered myself to be a real beauty. Average Utah pretty sure, but having several people stop me several days in a row made me stop and think. I don't think it was purely physical beauty they were talking about. Small children don't pull their mothers sleeves to tell her "mom, that girl is pretty. Can I go stand with her please?" or "momma, she is beautiful. Can I give her my new ring?" just because I have a pretty face that most of them couldn't actually see very well... because yes ladies and gentlemen I am actually taller than the average child. Small children rarely ever see what we see. They see the spiritual side, the true beauty in the grass we walk on, and the sky we live under. So, what sets me apart from the crowd? I could have pointed out multiple people who were more attractive than I was, in my opinion. Me being me, I sought an answer by asking the people whom opinions I trust, and those that would give me an honest answer.
Tyler C. - "You are a very independent woman who doesn't care about what other people think of you. You have your own style all together. That's what I find attractive about you, well... until you make fun of me, then you're just mean. What first drew me to you, was I though you were cute and you always had something to talk about."
Michael D. - "Beauty seems to come naturally for you, so you are able to put more time into paying attention to the people around you. What I mean is, rather than just worrying about your physical attractiveness, which just kind of comes naturally to you, no matter what you did or didn't do to make it happen... you have the time and desire to pay attention to everyone around you, and let them know they matter. Pretty much, you don't care about how attractive you look, because you don't have to. And as a result, it changed how you treat other people around you. Most people spend hours a day worrying about how they look. You take that time to focus on other people."
Alaina M. - "I would have to say your small size is the thing that sticks out the most for people. That is why they find you attractive. Then on top of that you have a gift for accepting people for who they are."
Scott G. - "You're honest. You don't play mind games. You say what you mean, usually. You're straight forward. Tolerant for the most part. What's not to find attractive since most girls aren't like that? As for what drew me to you I honestly can't answer because I honestly don't know."
Brooke S. - "Your hair and figure are the first things that come to mind. You also have very full lips."
Victoria L. - " You're eyes, your personality. Your hair... And... Honestly. That's all I can remember. I haven't seen you in awhile..."
Nick D. - "Well you have an hourglass figure and very full and inviting lips, plus your cynical nature is rather friendly."
Dave L. - "You speak your mind, stick to your values, and have a fun and inviting personality. And of course physically you are attractive as well."
Dan S. - "Your hair, your body, your personality."
Zach H. - "Umm, there is a lot. The thing that attracts me the most to you is your smokin' hot body. And the next would be your sense of humor."

Jon K. - "Your personality. Your brains, Your basically everything."
Jennifer S. - "I think it's because you have unusual features like your lips. They just fit into the rest of your face. Plus you are skinny and still have boobs and a butt!"
Sunnie R. - "The fact that you're interested in everything, and you're interesting all by yourself. And the fact that you'll stay up till odd hours of the night for your random little traditions... "Alex" Hahaha! What attracted me to you was you were the quiet, shy, mysterious girl in the corner."

What struck me as ironic was that almost all of the girls pointed out the physical first, while the boys brought about what was emanated... erm... for the most part. Both made mention of personality, spiritual, and physical attributes.

What I have found though, is what we are on the outside is more clearly reflected by who we are on the inside. My daddy told me when I was a little girl. I think I was about 5... that to be as pretty as my momma I had to be a good as her. That has stuck with me throughout my life. I feel it goes deeper than just that. I was stopped by a temple worker one night as I wound my way through temple square. He told me I shone with the light of Christ and it made me lovely to watch. I walked with a poise and a grace that emanated reverence. I smiled and my eyes twinkled with the love of a savior. My voice sang with a praise, and you could hear the spirit when I would speak. At first I was taken off guard, and all I could do was smile. I didn't know how else to react to this strange little man with white wavy hair telling me I was lovely to watch. He smiled and explained that we are drawn to the light of Christ, and anything that carries that light is set apart from the crowd and deemed as beautiful. Truth cannot be hidden... Thereby throwing us into a world of color...

1 comment:

Jim and Amber Forman said...

Everything they said is so true. Good thing you didn't ask for my opinion. I would've wrote a novel on why I was drawn to you! It was fate.