My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Music Is My Mr. Right...

I met the most fantastic person the other day. She came into my daddy's store. You could just feel her personality! She had a mild fit when I told her my hair color was natural. She was hysterical! She and my dad had a banter. She is a regular. It was like I was watching myself 40 years older! It was brilliant! She told me never to change who I was. That it was tangible, and could be seen through my eyes. I was a gem. If a stranger can see my heart, and trust in me ... who am I to doubt it? Why not embrace the change happening... and roll with the wind. From now on... call me Pocahontas...

"You see I know change. I see change. I embody change. All we do is change. Yeah, I know change. We are born to change. We sometimes regard it as a metaphor. That reflects the way things ought to be. In fact change takes time. It exceeds all expectations. It requires both now and then. See although the players change. The song remains the same. And the truth is... You gotta have the balls to change." (Vinnie Jones - Introduction to Joss Stone - Introducing Joss Stone)

Trees, what do we think of when we see a tree. Strong, Sturdy, Eternal or Everlasting. In truth, they are. A tree never truly dies. It changes into something else, but it will still in it's heart, forever and for always be... a tree.

Trees experience many exterior alterations. With the changing of the seasons bring along a new wardrobe. A new view. A change. As time wears on branches are trimmed by the gardener of the tree. Some are heavy laden and so the tree lets go. There are those rare occasions when lightening strikes and strips the tree, leaving it open to the elements... and still that tree survives. Why? Because it serves a higher purpose, and so it was given the strength to withstand children playing in the branches, thunderstorms, heavy wind, hail, lightening, and some even see the light of day through tornadoes, typhoons, hurricanes, etc. When old age comes and time finally wears the old tree down it becomes food for the grass and flowers. A home for all sorts of creatures. A seat in the middle of a wood. You see, a tree never dies. It is reborn into something new, but ask a scientist to break down the particles and he'll tell you. That is a tree.

And so, are not we trees? We stand in the rain, we live through heavy winds, children playing, and lightening striking us down. Are we not strong enough to withstand whatever may come our way, so that we might stretch our branches to the sky, and give shade to some weary traveler? I like to think we are all meant for a higher purpose. That even though we are gone, we have left our mark. In our children, and in those branches that have fallen away, been trimmed, or stripped from us. Perhaps... we never fully die either... through the changes in seasons, and the different wardrobes we may go through... we will forever and for always be... a tree.

1 comment:

Jim and Amber Forman said...

Wow Jess... I'm at a loss of words. This explains you and I in such a wonderful and artistic way. I don't know if I've told you, but even though we have conversations like this on a daily basis, I truly appreciate you putting it into words! You're amazing!