My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

It Tastes Like Summer...

Limeade... have you ever tried it? It tastes like summer. Mmm summer... days of swing sets, picnics, warm breezes carrying the scent of freshly cut grass, dragonfly races, and thunder storms. Walking with your toes outstretched, finding shapes in clouds, and long walks down the Jordan River Parkway... but before all of this happens we must get through the fall of the Pisces era, and skip through the Arien times... landing us in the days of Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer... What do I mean by all of this? I am referring to the placement of the stars and planets. Astrology. Yes, I am LDS, and I have a fascination with the planitarian scales. How do I explain this to my bishop, and fellow church members, and still have my temple recommend? Astrology is the study of the placement of the planets combined with the stars, and their meanings. It is astronomy, with a bit more. What I don't do, is base my every day on some made up Horoscope from the newspaper. Astrology is a class I first took for my specific type of psychology degree. It is the means of understanding the what, and why behind the reasons a person will react a certain way and act they way they do. I am an Aries... meaning I am very independent, stubborn, I pride myself on my diligent honesty and known for my sharp- tongue. Generosity is in my second nature, and courage emanates from me. However thanks to the fact that I am on the cusp (march 21-25th) I am an Aries with Pisces tendencies. I am headstrong and impulsive, but I also have a longing for peace and solitude. I am intellectually keen, and enjoy probing into new areas and coming up with different ideas. I am clearly an individual. Warmth and sympathy come easily to me, and I'm fond of entertaining and getting along well with people... Sound like me...? You better believe it!
I could and would go on, but I know the fact that I enjoy the study of Astrology and the mere fact that I am curious about it will offend a few people. However, I will say, if ever you wanted to get a heads up on someone, to learn how to attract, understand, or even talk to a person in a way they will understand... gaining an understanding of all 12 of their astrological signs will be extremely beneficial to you. I have learned an immense amount about myself, and those I care deeply for because of my study of the stars and the planets and their placement at the specific time of birth. The day and time is just as important to the makings of someones personality as their name. Do not judge what you do not, or what you refuse to understand. The Star locations of the Aries, if you zoom in you'll find the placement of Taurus as well. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, the sign that symbolizes new beginnings.


Jim and Amber Forman said...

"warm breezes carrying the scent of freshly cut grass"

That sounds familiar.. :)

I love this Jess, I wish more people were open to the idea of Astrology and didn't completely rule out what it can tell you!

Jess Meredith said...

Yes, I did quote you... and I'm not ashamed to admit it! Hahaha!

Jim and Amber Forman said...

I love that you did! It boosts my ego!

Marisa said...

My life is science! Astrology is something I find facinating as well. Science and religion are intertwined in some way. A way that I dont think any of us will understand until we know everything from the begining to the end. Science is my life. I applaud you my dear!

Whitney said...

I'm sorry that so many people reject you and their thoughts so easily! I'm not near as open-minded as you, yet people still give me weird looks when I spout off my ideas. I'm glad that YOU know you're still awesome, though!