My Baby Girl

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I Am Not Afraid.

Anger is fear turned inwards...

... I choose not to be angry because I have no reason to fear ...

Lies. White, innocent, accidental, intentional, hurtful, blatant, and obvious. All are deceiving. All are unnecessary. Is it so hard to be honest. Is it so hard to be open, and say what is real, verses making up a story. Not only is anger fear, but lies are stemmed from fear. Why is honesty so frightful? Would it not be better to speak from the heart, to be honest in all of our dealings. Than to hurt so many people because of our fear, and our inner demons. Are not all relationships based upon trust, and is not trust based upon the honest integrity of a person? So why then are people lying. What is the point? Lies are the quickest way to burn a bridge, and the only way to keep the water beneath flowing high enough to make it nigh impossible to build another one.... Why not try honesty. What is the worst that will happen? They may say no, or goodbye... but in the end you will reap a reward. You will have become an honest person, and the honest man may walk alone, but he always has the pleasure of good company. I would rather have the honor of good company than the constant disappointment of dishonest people. So, I am letting it go. If the bridge is burned, then it has been burned. It says in the Doctrine and Covenants, our lies will be shouted from the rooftops. It doesn't take a detective to learn the truth behind lies. No lie remains buried. It is impossible. The truth will out. It's why good always triumphs over evil...

I am not angry, nor am I hurt. I have chosen apathy.

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