My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Living in the World with 6,757,060,405 others...

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. It takes me 5 days to go through the 5 stages of grief. No matter who or what.
2. I would rather say too much truth than make someone a liar because I didn't say enough.
3. I have a 'pocket friend' that I don't go a day without even though she lives in Cincinnati...
4. I am stubborn and strong willed, and proud of it.
5. Swinging on swings is in fact a passion of mine.
6. I basically lived an episode of House this summer. I nearly lost my life to a type of strep infection.
7. I call my baby brother 'love bug' and 'little fellow'.
8. I currently weigh 111lbs...
9. My true passion is writing; I dream of being an author.
10. I will not go a day without listening to music.
11. I wake up with a song stuck in my head, and it almost always proves to be the 'theme' of the day.
12. I have never been without a song or rhythm going on in my head.
13. I look at the clock at 12:34 every day. Purely by chance every time!
14. I adore and admire my 'twinbrotherIneverwantedbutloveanyway' Chris Sorensen
15. I am determined to go Ivy League
16. I love to go tanning! The Vitamin D is good for my soul! :)
17. I maintain 2 blogs, and update them regularly
18. I have a 'best acquaintance'
19. Climbing trees is a must at least once a year.
20. Laughter is a beautiful thing, and I do it at least once a day.
21. I am rarely without a smile.
22. I have never been an 'everyone' type person; I am determinedly self-reliant and individual.
23. I can play 29 instruments, but only 5 of them well enough to play in public.
24. I am a Daddy's girl at heart, but my mother's heart is my hero.
25. My testimony of the LDS faith and doctrines is immoveable.

Anyone who reads this is welcome to take up the tag... :)

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