My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

An Ending.

I have hurt one of the best people I have ever known, and I get to deal with the repercussions of it. I have been asked not to contact him, and I am going to respect his wishes. I hurt him more deeply than I could have imagined, and someone he truly cares about. For the pain I caused, I will always be sorry, but I cannot and will not take back the feelings I had behind what I said. I was told I was the most selfish person he had ever met, and maybe that is true, for him. As for right now the only thing I can do is move forward. Take what I have learned from him and maybe better myself even if it's just a little bit.
I would like to apologize to all of those I have hurt. I never thought my words could go so far. I should not have said any of that publicly. If I needed to vent it out, I should have just put it in a journal, that I kept to myself. I didn't have the full picture, and as such should not have made assumptions. I guess it is true, ass-u-me... Please learn to spell assume from me. Save yourself the heartache, the public humiliation, and the hurting of other people who do not in any way deserve it. I gave a false portrayal of someone I know nothing about, and an even worse portrayal of someone I care deeply for.
For however far this post goes, I hope it at least reaches the person I never got the chance to meet. I won't mention their name out of respect, but I hope they know who I mean, and I hope they find it in their heart to forgive the person who shouldn't be blamed and give him another chance. .

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