My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

I May Not Be Mary Poppins...

but this weekend was practically perfect in every way...

Friday night I left with Alaina to a winter conference with her new singles ward. Amazing people! Truly! If you ever get the chance to play Curses. Do it! Hilarious! Friday and Saturday were full of food, spiritual upliftment, playing in the snow, games, and conversing. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. I love my ward, but her ward was everything she said it was.
Sunday was an interesting day. I had a dilemma. I had 3 wards I had the option of going to. My own, Alaina's, and there was the issue of Chris Nestmans farewell. I hit my knees in prayer asking where would be the best place for me. I went to my ward for sunday school and sacrament. Right before sacrament I felt I needed to meet with my bishop. I scheduled a meeting for 2:15, which nixed Alaina's ward and left me with the decision to go the farewell or not. The meeting went for an hour, which made that last decision for me. I felt really good about the day. I couldn't sit still, so I wound up driving every where yesterday. It was an awful day to be driving, but I saw some truly amazing sights while I was in that bizarre weather. I had an amazing phone conversation with Jo, and another with Marisa. There are some amazing people the Lord has placed in my life. I wound up going to ward prayer. Typical opening with spotlighting someone... then the bishop stepped up and gave us a story for our thought. It really hit hard, to nearly everyone in the room. He told how he has 2 sons that teach seminary. One told him a story about a boy he'd had in his early morning seminary class. The seminary teacher gave the class a challenge right before Christmas break and announced that once they returned they would share their experiences. The challenge was to say something nice to a complete stranger. The boy didn't show up until mid January, but the seminary teacher had waited for him. Everyone stood one by one and announced what they had said and what had happened. Finally came the boy in black. He walked up and shared his experience. He was in Harmons for his mother knowing this would be his chance to say something nice to a stranger. He started walking through the isles trying to find someone, when he found this woman kneeling on the floor reaching onto the bottom shelf. He walked up in his black combat boots, black trench coat, piercings and all and said "Nice Coat Lady." He turned around thinking to himself "What did I say that for? That was stupid." He hurried through the check line when he realized the woman was following him. She grabbed him and asked why he said that. He turned to her and said "Look lady, I don't know. I just said it. I didn't mean any trouble." She looked at him and said "thank you." Well, that sunday was stake conference and his parents asked him to go. He was late so he ended up sitting on the stage. (you know, in the very back) when they had this woman get up and speak. He did a double take and realized it was the lady from Harmons. She stood up to say she'd had a rough month. Her husband had divorced her, she'd lost custody of her kids to the state, and was just all around having a really hard time. She was in Harmons on her knees looking for cereal when she prayed and said "Lord if you're there, I need a sign right now," when an angel saved her life. An angel dressed in black said "Nice coat lady." The boy wound up serving a mission, graduating from college, and getting married. Isn't it interesting the people you come in contact with? Well, after the prayer was finished I wound up staying and talking to a group of people and just having and all together good time. I haven't laughed like that in I don't know how long. There was one person in particular. Her name is Amber DeVaney. We talked until about 1:30 this morning. We just clicked. It was incredible! There were about 5 of us that left the church at about 11pm. I took Amber home and we sat in front of her house in my car for another 3 hours, and just talked. I don't know if I'll ever see her again, but we both needed that. It was an answer to both of our prayers, and I thank my Heavenly Father for that. Just to have someone that understood exactly what you meant, where you were coming from, and to give an opinion that you knew was genuine, and that goes both ways. I've never met someone I had an instant respect for, but you can't help but admire this girl. She has such a strength and I pray that everything turns out alright for her.
As I was driving home in a crystallized world, piano notes gracing the silence that encompassed my car. It was something I'll never forget. Each branch on the trees in my sugar white world was frozen in perfection. Glistening in a sweet serenity that would shame any Tiffanys diamond. It was as though I was moving through a painting. The air was crystal clear, the sky was detailed and textured, the ground had no tracks, and nothing to disturb it. I hated pulling in front of my house. I stepped out of my car only to have my breath taken from me when I looked up at the sky for one last moment. It was as though the sky was kissing me goodnight.
I had to check my email to see if my darling friend Chris had emailed. He had. As per his usual Chris knew exactly what to say. He knew what I was feeling, and he knew how to "blow it away" without needing to actually be here. I am so lucky to have a best friend like him. So close to his Heavenly Father. Such a testimony, and strength in the Lord. His mission in Russia is going well. He has grown so much. I can't wait to see him this summer! I have really missed him.
P.S. I re-discovered a fantastic song. It's oddly perfect for right now. You Can't Go Back - The Strange Familiar.

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