My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


I'm ready for a change, so I'm adding a deep blue to my hair. It'll be in random strips just like the red... only it's blue this time! I wanted a deep violet and a deep blue, but was talked out of it by a certain best friend. (meaning he didn't like the purple that had been chosen. He liked the red I had put in before, and was somewhat excited to see the blue. I think it's because he hates the color purple...)
So... in the days gone by we've had Christmas... More than I expected to be sure. New Years... less than wanted, and a solid week that was more of a bungee jump than anything. I had a fantastic week, and one of the worst weeks I've had in a long time... All in the same blasted week!!! It wasn't all based on one thing. There were small instances throughout the week that made it amazing and awful all at the same time. It was crazy! Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning were spent with Stanley. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday night were spent with Sunnie. Saturday had Brooke and her husband Dave. Sunday had Amy. Monday-Sunday was filled with Victoria... as per our usual. I love my pocket friend! As it stands now... Brooke is blonde Amy is frustrated but in love. Stanley and I are fighting. Victoria is still the same as ever, and Sunnie is being extrememly understanding and wonderful.
You would think that Stanley and I would stop fighting so often with how close we are supposed to be, but no... as Stanley phrases it, we fight like two people who love each other... However you describe it we fight regularly over stupid things. Usually it's just pride. We are both very stubborn prideful people, and we tend to take it out on one another... This time though, we both have very valid points... or at least we think they are valid and will remain in that frame of thought until we have made time to sit and have a good long chat... lovely time I assure you... HA! Although, he may be right about my having an inner ear infection... blast!
Amy is having a right time with her family at the moment, on top of all the wedding craze. My heart goes out to her! Amy, I swear if we don't have that movie night this week I am breaking in to your room with a movie and the portable DVD player... it is vital to both of our sanity!
Sunnie... you truly are an amazing friend! You stick out all my whining. I am so happy you are on my side this time. Maybe we'll win this one.
Brooke is happily married, having great success in her career, and is loving life... well... now. She has dark brown hair and hates it. She usually gets it highlighted with blonde and red but can't afford it at the moment. I went to cosmo school and agreed to help her out if she would purchase what she wanted from the store. We did a full head weave, and thank heavens I paid attention because I figured out how to tone without toner while I was in school... shhh.. don't tell. We're supposed to use toner because they have to pay for it, and it is considered and upsale... I didn't agree with that while in school so I altered the way I did things. Anyway, next time we'll have to do every other foil because she was super blonde instead of light brown... Thankfully it still looked amazing! She is easy going so it works...

1 comment:

amrust said...

Oh Jess, how I love you! I'm excited to see your pretty colored hair! We really need to do our movie like asap. I love you Jess your so great!