My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

You Had Me, You Lost Me...

You Had Me - Joss Stone

You had meYou lost me You're wasted You cost me I don't want you here messing with my mind Spitting in my eyes and I still see Tried to keep me down I'm breaking free I don't want no part in your next fix Someone needs to tell you this is it Hey listen you'll be missin' Out on all my love and my kissing Make your mistakes on your own time When you come down you're just no good to have around Instead of making money you took mine

[Chorus]You had me You lost me You're wasted You cost me I don't want you here messing with my mind I've realized in time that my eyes are not blind I've seen it before I'm taking back my life

You tried to trade on my naivete But the things you do and say embarrass me See once upon a time I was your fool But the one I leave behind is you Hey listen you'll be missin' Out on all my love and my kissing Make your mistakes on your own time When you come down you're just no good to have around Instead of making money you took mine

[Chorus]You had me You lost me You're wasted You cost me I don't want you here messing with my mind I've realized in time that my eyes are not blind I've seen it before I'm taking back my life

Vodka and a packet of cigarettes That's all it used to be but now You're sniffing on snow when you're feeling low Suffocating dreams that could have been Maybe for a minute I was down with that But it didn't take long for me to see the light You swore you had control of it But when I stepped back you slipped on your supply

[Chorus]You had me You lost me You're wasted You cost me I don't want you here messing with my mind I've realized in time that my eyes are not blind I've seen it before I'm taking back my life

Taking it back I'm taking it back Taking back my life Taking it back I'm taking it back Taking back my life Ain't nobody got no business stressing all the time Taking it back I'm taking it back Taking back my life

[Chorus]You had me You lost me You're wasted You cost me I don't want you here messing with my mind I've realized in time that my eyes are not blind I've seen it before I'm taking back my life

Taking it back I'm taking it back Taking back my life Taking it back I'm taking it back Taking back my life Ain't nobody got no business stressing all the time Taking it back I'm taking it back Taking back my life

Take what you will from what I say. Maybe the next girl will have better luck with you... I wish you luck in figuring out your purpose in life, and I pray you figure out who the Hell you are before you break another heart, and ruin another life...

Let Me Free...

If You Love It, Set It Free - Joss Stone

Stop telling me things I don't want to hear. I've heard it all before. I'm done, I'm over it. All you are doing is giving me a false sense of reality. Let me let go. Please. He stopped wanting to care the moment he said goodbye, let me free. Please! I am not a spirit that can be tied down. I need air, and I need space. I don't follow labels, and I don't follow the expectations you set for me. Don't try to stop me, contain me, or set me in a mold. It won't work. I am a free spirit, and I need to be set on my own. I've only ever needed me for me to be happy. I've always been self-reliant, independent and, and head strong. Let me be me. Please! I am begging you. If it means not saying anything, then don't say anything... I won't ask you to lie to me, and tell me something other than what you believe, but I don't want your opinion if it differs with mine right now. Everything will be okay. Just give me time.

Right To Be Wrong - Joss Stone

No matter how dark the night, somehow the sun rises once again and all shadows are chased away
David Matthew

Living in the World with 6,757,060,405 others...

Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you.

1. It takes me 5 days to go through the 5 stages of grief. No matter who or what.
2. I would rather say too much truth than make someone a liar because I didn't say enough.
3. I have a 'pocket friend' that I don't go a day without even though she lives in Cincinnati...
4. I am stubborn and strong willed, and proud of it.
5. Swinging on swings is in fact a passion of mine.
6. I basically lived an episode of House this summer. I nearly lost my life to a type of strep infection.
7. I call my baby brother 'love bug' and 'little fellow'.
8. I currently weigh 111lbs...
9. My true passion is writing; I dream of being an author.
10. I will not go a day without listening to music.
11. I wake up with a song stuck in my head, and it almost always proves to be the 'theme' of the day.
12. I have never been without a song or rhythm going on in my head.
13. I look at the clock at 12:34 every day. Purely by chance every time!
14. I adore and admire my 'twinbrotherIneverwantedbutloveanyway' Chris Sorensen
15. I am determined to go Ivy League
16. I love to go tanning! The Vitamin D is good for my soul! :)
17. I maintain 2 blogs, and update them regularly
18. I have a 'best acquaintance'
19. Climbing trees is a must at least once a year.
20. Laughter is a beautiful thing, and I do it at least once a day.
21. I am rarely without a smile.
22. I have never been an 'everyone' type person; I am determinedly self-reliant and individual.
23. I can play 29 instruments, but only 5 of them well enough to play in public.
24. I am a Daddy's girl at heart, but my mother's heart is my hero.
25. My testimony of the LDS faith and doctrines is immoveable.

Anyone who reads this is welcome to take up the tag... :)


This was brought to my attention courtesy of my newfound 'best aquaintance' (as opposed to a best friend which couldn't work out for logistical reason...) ...Don't ask... he added the phrase in the quotations...

Rock, Paper, Scissors...

Nuff Said...

Putting It Out There...

Put Your Hands On Me - Joss Stone

Okay, let me start out with ... I love love love Joss Stone. I may never get a tatoo because I have too much faith in my religion... but If I were to ever get one I'd have it placed in the same style as hers. I've had it sketched out in my sketch book since I was... mmm 16 I believe. It is pretty sweet I must say myself! She isn't afraid to go out there and say what she wants in the way she wants. When she performs live she goes with the music so it's never the same exact performance twice, and it's impossible to get the song sung the same way as it was in a performance. It's simply amazing! Let me finish with .... I love love love Joss Stone....

Building My Caslte In The Air...

What If I'm Right - Sandi Thom

For those of you that know my entire story you'll understand these lyrics better than anyone... Hahaha!

You won't forsake me Your mother won't hate me But I've got my doubts and what if I'm right? You'll be strong And you'll turn me on But I've got my doubts and what if I'm right? You'll be true And be faithful too But I've got my doubts and what if I'm right? What if I'm right?

I've fallen in love with the entire album from Sandi Thom - Smile It Confuses People.

When Horsepower Meant What It Said

I Wish I Was A Punk Rocker (With Flowers In My Hair)

Lonely Girl

Sunset Borderline

Little Remedy


What If I'm Right


Human Jukebox


Life Through Lyrics

I live through music. My dad has always surrounded his kids with music, and a love for it. I used to fall asleep every night listening to him playing his guitar in his office/studio room down the hall from my bedroom in our tiny house. Now I listen to him play in the recording studio we built in the basement of our current house. I learned at a young age it's okay to tinker with sounds, and rhythms. I taught myself to play the piano, guitar, and the viola. I've now been able to branch out and learn the violin and the cello. I am currently attempting the drums, harp, and whatever else I can get my hands on. Simply put I love music.

That being said, I have decided to start a second blog. One dedicated to the music I love, and the music I come across. I will warn you, I listen to just about everything. Excluding only satanic metal, heavy metal, and screamo... There should be a link to it on my blog. It's called Life Through Lyrics.

I Have A Love For Christian Music...

And I really don't care what you think of me because of it...Give Me Your Eyes- Brandon Heath (I couldn't find the music video without the embedding disabled...)
Slow Fade - Casting Crowns (My personal favorite... this video is so powerful, and the message so important)

So Long Self - Mercy Me

I May Not Be Mary Poppins...

but this weekend was practically perfect in every way...

Friday night I left with Alaina to a winter conference with her new singles ward. Amazing people! Truly! If you ever get the chance to play Curses. Do it! Hilarious! Friday and Saturday were full of food, spiritual upliftment, playing in the snow, games, and conversing. I haven't had that much fun in a long time. I love my ward, but her ward was everything she said it was.
Sunday was an interesting day. I had a dilemma. I had 3 wards I had the option of going to. My own, Alaina's, and there was the issue of Chris Nestmans farewell. I hit my knees in prayer asking where would be the best place for me. I went to my ward for sunday school and sacrament. Right before sacrament I felt I needed to meet with my bishop. I scheduled a meeting for 2:15, which nixed Alaina's ward and left me with the decision to go the farewell or not. The meeting went for an hour, which made that last decision for me. I felt really good about the day. I couldn't sit still, so I wound up driving every where yesterday. It was an awful day to be driving, but I saw some truly amazing sights while I was in that bizarre weather. I had an amazing phone conversation with Jo, and another with Marisa. There are some amazing people the Lord has placed in my life. I wound up going to ward prayer. Typical opening with spotlighting someone... then the bishop stepped up and gave us a story for our thought. It really hit hard, to nearly everyone in the room. He told how he has 2 sons that teach seminary. One told him a story about a boy he'd had in his early morning seminary class. The seminary teacher gave the class a challenge right before Christmas break and announced that once they returned they would share their experiences. The challenge was to say something nice to a complete stranger. The boy didn't show up until mid January, but the seminary teacher had waited for him. Everyone stood one by one and announced what they had said and what had happened. Finally came the boy in black. He walked up and shared his experience. He was in Harmons for his mother knowing this would be his chance to say something nice to a stranger. He started walking through the isles trying to find someone, when he found this woman kneeling on the floor reaching onto the bottom shelf. He walked up in his black combat boots, black trench coat, piercings and all and said "Nice Coat Lady." He turned around thinking to himself "What did I say that for? That was stupid." He hurried through the check line when he realized the woman was following him. She grabbed him and asked why he said that. He turned to her and said "Look lady, I don't know. I just said it. I didn't mean any trouble." She looked at him and said "thank you." Well, that sunday was stake conference and his parents asked him to go. He was late so he ended up sitting on the stage. (you know, in the very back) when they had this woman get up and speak. He did a double take and realized it was the lady from Harmons. She stood up to say she'd had a rough month. Her husband had divorced her, she'd lost custody of her kids to the state, and was just all around having a really hard time. She was in Harmons on her knees looking for cereal when she prayed and said "Lord if you're there, I need a sign right now," when an angel saved her life. An angel dressed in black said "Nice coat lady." The boy wound up serving a mission, graduating from college, and getting married. Isn't it interesting the people you come in contact with? Well, after the prayer was finished I wound up staying and talking to a group of people and just having and all together good time. I haven't laughed like that in I don't know how long. There was one person in particular. Her name is Amber DeVaney. We talked until about 1:30 this morning. We just clicked. It was incredible! There were about 5 of us that left the church at about 11pm. I took Amber home and we sat in front of her house in my car for another 3 hours, and just talked. I don't know if I'll ever see her again, but we both needed that. It was an answer to both of our prayers, and I thank my Heavenly Father for that. Just to have someone that understood exactly what you meant, where you were coming from, and to give an opinion that you knew was genuine, and that goes both ways. I've never met someone I had an instant respect for, but you can't help but admire this girl. She has such a strength and I pray that everything turns out alright for her.
As I was driving home in a crystallized world, piano notes gracing the silence that encompassed my car. It was something I'll never forget. Each branch on the trees in my sugar white world was frozen in perfection. Glistening in a sweet serenity that would shame any Tiffanys diamond. It was as though I was moving through a painting. The air was crystal clear, the sky was detailed and textured, the ground had no tracks, and nothing to disturb it. I hated pulling in front of my house. I stepped out of my car only to have my breath taken from me when I looked up at the sky for one last moment. It was as though the sky was kissing me goodnight.
I had to check my email to see if my darling friend Chris had emailed. He had. As per his usual Chris knew exactly what to say. He knew what I was feeling, and he knew how to "blow it away" without needing to actually be here. I am so lucky to have a best friend like him. So close to his Heavenly Father. Such a testimony, and strength in the Lord. His mission in Russia is going well. He has grown so much. I can't wait to see him this summer! I have really missed him.
P.S. I re-discovered a fantastic song. It's oddly perfect for right now. You Can't Go Back - The Strange Familiar.

I had an awesome title, but It's currently been forgotten.

He that cannot forgive others breaks the bridge over which he must pass himself; for every man has need to be forgiven.
Lord Herbert

How perfect is this quote!? I know, I know... where do I find these things!

Maybe It's For The Best...

I've had 2 days to think, and process everything. I've had a priesthood blessing, and the support of my friends to help me. I know there will be hard moments to come, but for right now I've accepted things. I've come to the conclusion that perhaps Stanley's decision to call off the friendship is for the better. For both of us, at least for right now. All we did was fight it seemed, constant stress on both of us. Neither felt we could entirely lean on the other, and if there is one thing I've learned it's you can't have any kind of relationship without trust as your base. I might get into trouble for saying that on the Internet, but I see no point in lying or running from the truth at this point. Also, I find the question "are you okay" to be a rather stupid question right now. Of course I'm not okay, but I will be... and I think if maybe you understand my thought process you'll understand why I am so calm, and at peace so soon.

The benefits: He won't have the constant "She's in love with you" thrown at him. Maybe he'll find someone he can trust fully and entirely and I pray they know what is okay to share, and what is not... and Lord please let them be too stupid to use a damned computer. He won't have to always worry about my health issues, or keep promises. There won't be so much for him to remember, and he won't get a guilt trip whenever he skips church. There won't be so many distractions so maybe he'll get all his work done on time. No accidental phone noises during class because I don't ever remember which class is on which day. He might get a full nights rest every now and again. Neither of us will have to hear "you two fight like an old married couple" ever again. Praise the Heavens! I won't have to fight with myself whenever he makes a promise to do something only to feel the disappointment when he breaks said promise. No more 'hell week' at the end of every semester. No more over thinking every little word or action when I'm with him, afraid that someday he'll believe someone when they say "She's in love with you" because my friends I've had that fight with him one too many times. No more having to say "I'm not romantically attracted/interested in him. I love the way we are, and I have no intentions of changing anything." No more shopping trips to express.I'm just going to sum this entire thing up LESS STRESS!!!

The Downfall: We had so many traditions and plans for the future. Jamba Juice will never be the same. The eye conversations we'd have because no one else got the joke. We had so many inside jokes, songs, movies, flower, walkway, season, holiday, house style, restaurant, store, the list goes on... for crying out loud we had a freaking painting/artist. The song suggestions. Christmas... oh Christmas... that one is probably the thing I'm going to miss the most. Temple square, The Grand America, Christmas day, and the letter every year. We still have tickets for the Draper Temple opening. I don't know what I am going to do with those. We were so close, and despite the fights and constant broken promises, I still felt some trust in him and I know he had the same issues with me, but he couldn't stop all the trust either. There were moments when I'd hear or see something and I had to call him because he'd find it just as funny as I would, that goes both ways... I think just about everything we did like that went both ways. We rarely had to finish a sentence. He was the only person I could depend on to always give me the entire truth. No matter how brutal it was. He always just understood. I knew I could call him and he'd just let me rant and vent. Then he'd either help me figure out how to fix it or tell me I was being stupid and to just suck it up. He always knew everything I didn't. If ever I had a question I'd just say, "I'll ask Stanley, he'll know" he always had the answers... stupid brilliant people. The constant car troubles he'd always have, all I could do was laugh and get him what he needed because he didn't know what to do. Birthdays were always spent together. The BHS musical every fall. Sundays, and the notebook conversations. He was my very best friend. I'm never going to meet anyone like him again, and that is just a cold hard fact.

I haven't ever been a person that could hide in my bed as the day passed me by. Even in the hospital, despite the tubes, sore muscles, pain, whatever, I insisted on raising myself up and sitting. I don't cry very often because as I see it, it doesn't fix anything. All it does is give you a headache. And for heavens sake it is okay to smile and laugh. I'm not going to scream and throw things. I'm not going to fall and suddenly have a wild break down. The time for that passed. All I can do is accept what is happening. Try to pick up the pieces and move forward. I am so calm, accepting, and at ease about everything, because the instant the call ended the first thoughts in my head were 'Everything happens for a reason, and the Lord has my whole world in his hands.' I've had experiences most people haven't had in a lifetime and I'm only 20 years old. I've always seen the world in a different way. It makes for interesting times, and frustrating moments, but I've learned to rely on the Lord for everything. I have complete faith in the Lord, and in whatever he is doing. I trust that he has his reasons and that all will be okay in the end. I understand where Stanley is coming from, and so I will respect whatever he chooses to do. Stay gone or come back. I won't force myself upon him, but I won't hide from him either. I'm not going to run from what we had. It was special and unlike anything I've ever heard of. I don't think I'll ever get it back, but it was amazing while it was alive. I pray that someday I might be able to have some semblance of that again, whether it is with him or someone new. I wish him the best, and pray that he finds whatever he is looking for. So, if you see him give him a smile because he is hurting just as badly as I am, and he could probably use a smile and a hug just as badly as I could.

Perfect- Maren Ord

Here's To You...

Reason Why - Rachael Yamgata

I wish you well, and hope you find whatever you're looking for. So, I will head out alone and hope for the best. We can pat ourselves on the back and say that we tried. And if one of us makes it big, we can spill our regrets And talk about how the love never dies. But you and I, you and I know the reason why...

French Lesson...

la verite... est tout ce qui importe en la fin

The Truth... is all that matters in the end.

An Ending.

I have hurt one of the best people I have ever known, and I get to deal with the repercussions of it. I have been asked not to contact him, and I am going to respect his wishes. I hurt him more deeply than I could have imagined, and someone he truly cares about. For the pain I caused, I will always be sorry, but I cannot and will not take back the feelings I had behind what I said. I was told I was the most selfish person he had ever met, and maybe that is true, for him. As for right now the only thing I can do is move forward. Take what I have learned from him and maybe better myself even if it's just a little bit.
I would like to apologize to all of those I have hurt. I never thought my words could go so far. I should not have said any of that publicly. If I needed to vent it out, I should have just put it in a journal, that I kept to myself. I didn't have the full picture, and as such should not have made assumptions. I guess it is true, ass-u-me... Please learn to spell assume from me. Save yourself the heartache, the public humiliation, and the hurting of other people who do not in any way deserve it. I gave a false portrayal of someone I know nothing about, and an even worse portrayal of someone I care deeply for.
For however far this post goes, I hope it at least reaches the person I never got the chance to meet. I won't mention their name out of respect, but I hope they know who I mean, and I hope they find it in their heart to forgive the person who shouldn't be blamed and give him another chance. .

Lesson For Life...

Remember the next time your mad at someone it takes 47 muscles to frown at them, 4 to hit them, and only 2 to raise your middle finger to them...

That is all...

Oh My Word I'm Giddy!

So... I think I'm in like with a boy named Austin...
I don't know what to do with myself.
We talk... morning to ... well... morning technically...

Similar in almost everything.
Different in enough things to make it interesting

Hitch... he's been trying to break up with his girlfriend for about 3 weeks now. We've been talking for 1 1/2 so I know it's not my fault...

What to do! What to do...?

Oh gosh... I'm rambling...

Never been my favorite thing...

Sunday Love Child, And A Visit To The E.R.

Stanley and I took Cameron with us to church this morning. Now, as we are constantly asked if we are dating we knew there would be some double takes, but for the most part everyone there knows who we are and that we are just friends. Despite this, Stanley and I were asked no less than 3 times if he was our baby! We were a bit late to church this morning. We missed the first block, but made it in time for sunday school. We had a few people glance our way, but nothing dire. Sacrament went fairly smoothly. Cameron slept through the majority of the meeting. When he woke up he was a bit fussy, so Stanley took him. He calmed right down and went back to sleep for a bit. When he woke up the second time Stanley handed him to me and fished through the diaper bag until he found the bottle. I left with Cameron to warm up the bottle using a sink and warm water. I had to walk back into the chapel as I couldn't get the top of the bottle off. Stanley of course gave me a patronizing look as he popped the top of with little effort. We successfully made it through the rest of sacrament and into the cultural hall for linger longer. That was when the attack happened. Suddenly we were swarmed in a mass of single women. Asking if he was ours, how old he was, the name, and the weight. Stanley excused himself to go and help with the bringing in of chairs and tables. Slowly the single girls left and the older married ones came and took their place. Ruby, the bishops wife held him for a bit while Stanley left to go and get us Hawaiian Haystacks, and found us a table. I took Cameron back and we sat for a bit. The bishop stopped by our table to inquire as to who's baby we were tending. Patting Stanley on the back, gave us a knowing look and said... "you two will make wonderful parents." Will these subtle hints never subside!? 1. I was in the hospital 6 months ago, fighting for my life. 2. I didn't think I came across as fat... 3. The baby doesn't look anything like Stanley... Still we were asked if the baby was ours. What a funny bunch of people. If anyone knows of any homecomings or weddings going on let us know. Stanley and I have decided we should just bring him along wherever we go and tell everyone he is our love child. Make things easier on people and prove for a good laugh between the both of us !

Look at this handsome little man!

(Stanley was such a gentleman! Opened all my doors, held out all my chairs, and even served me a plate during the linger longer! He carried the diaper bag for me while I carried the baby, and then took the fussy baby from me, held him tight and buckled him into the car for me so he wouldn't be cold while we were outside. He really is quite sweet at times.)
Thursday night Stanley took me in to the Jordan Valley Emergency center. I had been driving home from a play at Pioneer Theatre when I was hit with a sudden migraine and the feeling of my left side being on fire. No warning. There were black spots in my eyes and I knew if I didn't pull over at the soonest moment I would surely hit someone. I don't know where I pulled over or how I managed it, but I was able to turn into a parking lot and text Stanley. I asked him if I could come and get him. After a bit of thought and no response from him I started to type my thoughts process out. I wound up sending them to him, heaven only knows why, but the next text he got was. "Maybe I should just try and make it to Jordan Valley on my own." he responded right as soon as he got that and said that it was alright if I came to get him. I don't know how I made it to his house, but I managed it and he kicked me out of the drivers seat and into the passenger seat. He asked if I needed to go to the emergency room, and I couldn't honestly tell him. I was in enough pain that I couldn't tell you where it hurt anymore, just that it hurt. He requested that I try and get some sleep while he drive. He woke me as we approached Jordan Valley and asked if I needed the emergency room. I still could not say. He asked what was going. I explained to him what had happened and where the pain was when I had texted him. We tried the insta-care on 2700w and 9000so. It had closed at 10pm and it was now past 11pm. I suggested we go home and see if my mom knew of any 24 hour insta-care locations or had a number we could call when out of nowhere the pain escalated and I thought my insides were going to explode. It felt as thought my lungs had collapsed, my liver, kidney, and appendix were going to burst forth out of my abdomen. I whispered "emergency please." Stanley hit the gas and sped us back to Jordan Valley. He parked the car directly in front of emergency and half carried me through the doors. He explained the situation to the nurse, grabbed the paperwork, sat me down and filled out the paperwork to the best of his knowledge, waited until my breathing had slowed and asked me for the rest. The nurse then called for us to come behind the glass to as to fill out the computer work, get vitals, and take us to a room. Stanley left my side to go park the car, and made it back in time to help me explain my medical history and what all was going on right then. We followed her to a room, again with Stanley supporting me. (Had I been fully aware of things this would have been humiliating) I was instructed to change into a hospital gown and sit on the bed. In all his knowledge of my oddities he asked me if I was folding my clothing. "yes" I responded. "Jess, stop it right now. Do not fold your clothes" he whipped around the curtain and pulled my folded stack of clothing out of my hands, unfolded the sheet, sat me down on the bed and covered me with the warmed blankets. I kept trying to apologize for everything and he kept telling me it wasn't my fault. I finally relented as a fresh wave of pain swept through me knocking my breath from me once again. Brandon, our first nurse came in to introduce himself. A woman replaced his presence and presented paperwork for me to sign. Stanley left to get the both of us some water, and I curled up into a ball. Once Stanley resumed his pacing Brandon came back in to stick me with an IV (Stanley hadn't ever seen one put in before.) take blood and find out what all was going on. After being the first nurse ever to make it in the vein on the first go round he left. About 15 minutes later an older woman in purple came in to take me down for a chest x-ray. Stanley was left to pace the room alone. I started shaking and the ladies started to "Oh you poor thing" me as they read my medical history charts, and watched me begin to shake even more violently from the cold. I was wheeled back in to the room and both the purple nurse and Stanley pulled the first 2 blankets off of me and put 2 new warmed one on me, with the 2 cooler ones on top. It was about 1 am at this point. Stanley had an 8am meeting with his committee pres., and a 1pm meeting for the Truman scholarship (to which, he is a nominee!) He was having a conversation with my current crush as well as our mutual friend Sunnie. Explaining to them what was happening at the moment and letting them know how I was doing. He was making regular phone calls to my papa. What a good friend I have! The doctor did a regular run through of putting cold hands on my stomach and pushing where it hurt. Listening to my lungs and heart. I wound up having to give a urine sample, and Stanley and I proceeded to wait for another hour and a half while they tried to figure out what was going on. She came back in and informed us I had a bad UTI (I'd never had one before. Stanley had to explain to me what it was) and an upper respiratory infection in my lungs. Joy... Not going to lie, at first it was a bit humiliating to have all of this happening with Stanley there, but after a bit I refused to let it embarrass me and chose to appreciate the fact I had my best friend there. No one else would have cared for me as well as he did. He rarely left my side, and tried to comfort me as best he could. He walked with his arm around me to support my weight and refused to cave when I tried to insist I was alright after the first bit of painkiller wasn't strong enough. He knows me too well, and for that I am truly grateful! When we got home around 3:45am he refused to let me come with him and my mom when she took him home. He insisted I go straight to bed. He made me promise I would go straight to sleep, no movies, no toying around, just sleep. I'd scared him enough for one night. How blessed I am to have a best friend like him! He sent one final text to inform both my crush and Sunnie what we had found out. He handed my mom the prescriptions so I would be sure get them, gave me a goodnight hug and watched as I walked up the stairs and into my room. I wasn't terribly happy about being made to go to bed instead of accompanying him and my mother, but knew it was for the best. Stanley and I both agreed the doctor was stretching to find a reasons behind all the pain, but it seems I've stumped the medical world again. As we have all learned, the real culprit behind the pain will show his head when the time comes, and it will serve it's purpose in happening at that particular moment. As for right now, I think this experience has helped me both in my efforts to fully trust and rely on Stanley, and in learning to appreciate him in all he does for me.

The Dating List...

Falling in love is not at all the most stupid thing that people do - but gravitation cannot be held responsible for it. -Albert Einstein

Thursday - Bryant
Friday - T.J.

Austin, I am hoping will happen soon enough...

There you have it my friends... the dating list of Jessica Meredith Gustafson. Don't ever say I didn't tell you. :)

Between The Lines - Sara Bareilles


I'm ready for a change, so I'm adding a deep blue to my hair. It'll be in random strips just like the red... only it's blue this time! I wanted a deep violet and a deep blue, but was talked out of it by a certain best friend. (meaning he didn't like the purple that had been chosen. He liked the red I had put in before, and was somewhat excited to see the blue. I think it's because he hates the color purple...)
So... in the days gone by we've had Christmas... More than I expected to be sure. New Years... less than wanted, and a solid week that was more of a bungee jump than anything. I had a fantastic week, and one of the worst weeks I've had in a long time... All in the same blasted week!!! It wasn't all based on one thing. There were small instances throughout the week that made it amazing and awful all at the same time. It was crazy! Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday evening, and Sunday morning were spent with Stanley. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday night were spent with Sunnie. Saturday had Brooke and her husband Dave. Sunday had Amy. Monday-Sunday was filled with Victoria... as per our usual. I love my pocket friend! As it stands now... Brooke is blonde Amy is frustrated but in love. Stanley and I are fighting. Victoria is still the same as ever, and Sunnie is being extrememly understanding and wonderful.
You would think that Stanley and I would stop fighting so often with how close we are supposed to be, but no... as Stanley phrases it, we fight like two people who love each other... However you describe it we fight regularly over stupid things. Usually it's just pride. We are both very stubborn prideful people, and we tend to take it out on one another... This time though, we both have very valid points... or at least we think they are valid and will remain in that frame of thought until we have made time to sit and have a good long chat... lovely time I assure you... HA! Although, he may be right about my having an inner ear infection... blast!
Amy is having a right time with her family at the moment, on top of all the wedding craze. My heart goes out to her! Amy, I swear if we don't have that movie night this week I am breaking in to your room with a movie and the portable DVD player... it is vital to both of our sanity!
Sunnie... you truly are an amazing friend! You stick out all my whining. I am so happy you are on my side this time. Maybe we'll win this one.
Brooke is happily married, having great success in her career, and is loving life... well... now. She has dark brown hair and hates it. She usually gets it highlighted with blonde and red but can't afford it at the moment. I went to cosmo school and agreed to help her out if she would purchase what she wanted from the store. We did a full head weave, and thank heavens I paid attention because I figured out how to tone without toner while I was in school... shhh.. don't tell. We're supposed to use toner because they have to pay for it, and it is considered and upsale... I didn't agree with that while in school so I altered the way I did things. Anyway, next time we'll have to do every other foil because she was super blonde instead of light brown... Thankfully it still looked amazing! She is easy going so it works...