My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Adele - 21

I know the Adele album isn't supposed to be out in the US, but I managed to get the UK release, which was released in January. It has 5 more songs than the US version will initially release, who is to say they won't release them later, but why wait...

I fell head over heels in love with this album. There are 3 songs I have kept on repeat for the past week that I've had it. Tracks 1 - Rolling In The Deep, 11(recorded)/17(acoustic) - Someone Like You, 14 - I Found A Boy. I don't know, it's... well, to be perfectly honest, this album really struck a chord with  me. I could connect with nearly every lyric in these songs. I am willing to bet it's because Adele is my age. She was born in May of 1988. She is experiencing a lot of the same things I am and have, at the same ages. That is what makes an album great, isn't it? When you can connect with a song so entirely. . . Sunnie and I had a long conversation today about it all. How funny it is that these ages the 3 of us are at really are a time for growth, love, loss, and just learning who we are. It's the same with Sara Bareilles and Ingrid Michaelson who were both born in 1979. Their music and lyrics are incredibly simliar, but they still manage to resonate with people 10 years their junior... It's just the way of life I suppose. Emotions are the same no matter what age, race, or gender. Music is a way to release those emotions.

Track by track interview by Adele

Rolling The Deep

Someone Like You

P.S. On the UK Album Adele sings a Brandi Carlile cover. Hiding My Heart. May I just tell you I about peed my pants when this song came on. It is an acoustic recording, the original song. I had a mini freak out in my car, so much so I am pretty sure I freaked out the people driving next to me. My arms waving, mouth wide open as I screamed. . . I immediately sent Sunnie a text message, as I knew she would be able to fully  understand and appreciate the magic and wonder that is ADELE singing BRANDI... Oh. My. Holy. Goodness!!!

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