My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Christmas Excitement!

I think one of my absolute favorite parts of Christmas is being able to shop for the people in my life. There is something about the search for that one perfect gift that will make that one special person smile. It's all just so exciting!

There is always one gift that makes me the happiest to give. One that I am super proud of, and know that it will make that person truly happy. This year, my favorite gift is the one I am giving to my mother. She and I have had a really hard year. We've never been super close, but we've never butted heads like this before. So, I wanted to make this year extra special.

As is pretty obvious to anyone who regularly reads this blog, I love photography. There is something about taking a moment in time and capturing it, and being able to show the world how you see the world. Now, I tinker around with many different forms of art. I dable in painting, sketching, writing, stitching, whatever I can get my hands on really... but Photography seems to be where most of my artistic talent sits. Well, my mum noticed I have a bit of skill with a camera and so asked me to take a picture and frame it for her Christmas gift. Well, me being me, I decided to print and frame several pictures. I am not known for giving a person just one gift. It's usually two or more. I just get too darn excited!

I am so excited about this gift I am going to give a spoiler... My family doesn't actually read my blog so I think it's safe to share. :)

(If you look closely you'll see the blue of his eyes)

(SLC Temple, Nov. 2009)

(This is my sister Miranda)

I haven't decided the exact number of pictures I am going to use. These are some I am consering as options. And don't worry, in the end they will look like they go together. I promise!

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