My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tagged... again...

Here are the rules: 1 - List the person who tagged you 2 - Mention the rules on your blog 3 - Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours 4 - Tag 6 fellow bloggers!

**Who tagged me? The One, The Only, Amy Rust!

1- I forget to eat... I'm not anorexic, or doing it on purpose, I genuinely forget to eat. I don't really ever get hungry. So, it's not until I start to get dizzy or start shaking that I realize I haven't eaten yet. That's when I make a Wendy's run, or I whip out some random masterpiece.

2- Speaking of which... I love cooking. I don't normally broadcast that, but I do. Baking is included in that. When I have the house to myself for a weekend or a day I fill it with the scent of bread, and some amazing dishes... My family never knows... It's just our little secret. M-kay!

3- I don't turn my phone off... Ever. I just don't. I tried to leave it off for a day once. I made it 2 hours before I got major butterflies in my tummy telling me someone was trying to get my attention. I turned my phone on and I had 6 text messages, and a voice mail...

4- I have to do everything myself. I hate asking for help. I've gotten better at this since I've been friends with Sunnie and, Stanley, but I still wait until I've failed miserably before I'll even admit what I am trying to do. Even if it's painfully obvious... I guess it's just the Aries in me shining through!

5- Procrastination kicks my trash. I wait until the last moment to do just about everything. I think that about covers it... though it contradicts my next quirk.

6- I have to be on-time, or early to everything! I hate being late with a passion!

I tag... Shayla, Jenni, Marisa, Dustin, Preston, and Sunnie.

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