My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

'Hello Dolly!' presented by Bingham High School. Performing Arts Department.

Stanley and I went to Bingham High School Production of Hello Dolly. As always, it was phenomenal! Willden can pull out talent like nobody's business! As per usual, Stanley was his smarty pants self when it came to musicals. However, as this is one of his very favorites I just sat back and had to laugh at all his remarks. It was my first time experiencing this musical, and I left it with a love for this musical as well. I can't wait to see it in movie form... Though I may have to watch it twice because with Stanley as my musical companion I won't hear the actual movie, he'll be quoting it for me. Ha! Anyone care for a movie night...?...!

Dolly Levi (Emily Mecham) was beautiful, she could sing, but (and I have to take Stanley's word on this) she couldn't deliver her lines quickly enough. However, the song that 'defined' her worthiness was simply flawless, so she as well got the generous approval!

Irene Malloy (Katelin Brook Smith) was my personal favorite. That girl could sing! She was simply delightful! (Even the Hello Dolly expert himself approved of her!)

Minnie Fay (Kelli Peterson) was perfect! She was up-beat, perky, and the perfect spazz! Her lines were delivered beautifully, and you were simply caught up in her energy!

Ermengarde (Rebecca Bolduc) my goodness that girl could cry on cue. It was fantastic! she was absolutely perfect, but that is just my view. We didn't hear much from her, but what we did hear was hilarious!

Ernestina (Cassie Fletcher) I didn't see her much, but I had to laugh every time I did! She was brilliant!

Horace Vangergelder (Marc Wells) was most entertaining. He was positively horrid! Just the way he was supposed to be! The boy delievered!

Ambrose Kemper (Tyler Okleberry) He was the perfect little artist around! His costume was perfect, as was his delivery in it!

Cornelius Hackl (Alex Jensen) wasn't (from what I hear, I haven't seen the movie yet.) Michael Crawford... but he was comical from what I saw. I was impressed by him.

Barnaby Tucker (Taybor Abplanalp) I loved this kid! He was absolutely, positively, flat out, funny! (and no I did not misspell his name...)

Rudolph (Steven Hermansen) Oh goodness! The accent, the mannerisms, the stage presence! I could see his facial expressions from the back row! It was quite impressive!

Michelle Willden and her team of wonder women/men created a materpiece! The set design, the costumes, the chorus abilities, and of course the choreography. All ring a true testiment to the wonderous abilities that woman has in putting on a show even the most "macho" of men will enjoy! Truly a hit!

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