My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Peaches 'n' Cream, with a hint of Lace..

Welcome to the latest edition of name that sex toy! ...What's that you say, sex is a sin? No my friends, sex is not a sin. It is a means to fulfill a commandment. Now before you get all hoity-toity on me, let me clarify. Sex outside of marriage is sinful. Wanting sex, having those desires for someone... not a sin. Entertaining those thoughts to a point of obsession... gross, perverted, and un-healthy, but still... not a sin. The good Lord knew what he was doing when he put sexual desires in our design make-up. So don't you dare try and tell me I am evil, or sinful because I am normal, and I like to crack the occasional sex-joke. Oh, and don't place a judgment upon my shoulders because I'm not afraid to use the term 'sex' over 'intercourse.' Also... pull your self-righteous heads out of your asses; it's not a horrific thing to use the word 'condom', nor is it terrible that I found a productive use (the microphone mute) for it outside of a joy-stick cover. :)
The Twilight series. If I get one more overly 'Utahan Mormon' telling me that series is of the devil, I will laugh in your face. Bella, just like any other normal teenager has a desire to have sex with the guy she loves. However, as this was written by a BYU grad you know that she won't until after they are successfully married. Even then, you don't read a sexual scene. You read the morning after... with the two of them engaged in a "feather fight." Yes, I do mean actual feathers... like from a down feather pillow. And you say I'm sinful...
Coffee, coffee, coffee... yes I will admit it, I love the scent of coffee, and I love the Jamocha flavored ice-cream from Baskin Robbins. Starbucks is a favorite, and I'll tell you what... God doesn't love me any less because of it! I love their frapps, and especially their hot-chocolates. I'll even ask for a coffee flavored drink every now and again. I will say in my defense I typically ask for a cream base, (meaning no actual coffee) with the coffee flavoring. Though yes, I have had a coffee based frapp... I'm not asking you to like what I like. Nor will I ever pressure anyone to try coffee. But here's the thing... Don't place a judgement upon my shoulders because of it. I won't point fingers here (though I'd really take quite a lot of pleasure in doing so...) but who the Hell are you, to point fingers down on me!? It is required of you to love all men, to forgive any wrong done to you (though what I enjoy, and how I am has nothing to do with you) but the Lord will place a judgement, and forgive whom he will... so hike up your skirts ladies, and trudge back through the muck you've been spreading. I spew the occasional word, I enjoy the occasional flavor, and I love cracking a joke. However, I have a testimony of the LDS church and it's laws, I love my Savior, and I am a good person. We all have our flaws, and we all have our little quirks... but do not hold mine against me, because I will not hold myself above calling you out on the floor.

Have a wonderful day...

1 comment:

Marisa said...

AMEN!!! I'm right there with ya. I saw people who feel like they have to judge other people about what they do and say, just need to get a life of their freaking own. I mean COME ON! Its plain pathetic. And people who think that judging is "ok" need to wake up and join reality. Again I say AMEN!