My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Computer At Last!

I cannot express to you the joy I received when Aaron announced that our computer was not only up and running, but we had INTERNET!!!! I literally squealed and did a happy dance in our living room! I began listing things I wouldn't have to try and do through my tiny screen anymore: * No more trying to blog - Oh my lordy, trying to type a blog post using a mini screen that constantly moves, so you have no idea what you are typing, and can't check to make sure you aren't missing words or creating new words... oober frustrating! * Trying to type up our paragraph for the Durrant Family Newsletter... took Aaron and I two hours. Emails are a royal pain in the arse! * Facebook. There is only so much you can do with the Facebook mobile app. Now don't get me wrong, I have been super grateful for the ability to still use the internet and such. That phone is very handy, and I love it! (Although I still have no idea how I manage to take screen captures all the time... or open certain applications that I didn't know I had, or what their purpose is...) It is just so much easier to see what you are typing, with access to spell check, and have the ability to function a website fully. Though, two days later... tragedy struck. Our computer crashed. So, yesterday we took our hard drive back to Best Buy and got a new one. (Thank goodness for warranty!) Last night, my dear husband re-installed everything! Thus, the glory of being able to type this odd little post via wireless keyboard, a full 19" screen, and quest wireless internet! Happy day! P.S. I am finally able to finish setting up the not-so-unique family blog for Aaron and I. I will post the link once it is done!

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