My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

RedBull Rebel!

Mkay... Whelp, I've officially had crappy enough news, and had a hard enough time that I'm breaking the rules! I want my wings so I'm buying an overly large RedBull and I'm downing it! 


(Thank you Visi for the first photo in this set of 3. I couldn't get it right, and it just looks cooler in Russian!!!)

'Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.'
 -Abraham Lincoln


amrust said...

So what's been going on that you need a redbull????

Jess Meredith said...

Oh Amy... that is a saga and a story to tell! It would take a lot longer than a comment to express it to you! Hahaha! But my heavens is it exciting! Best. Story. Ever!

amrust said...

Hahaha wow! Best. Story. Ever? That's intense I'm kinda excited!

Jess Meredith said...

You totally should be!