My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Message in a lyric...?

This video reminds me of someone in particular right now. Oddly it  feels more like it is from them to me, and for some reason I feel compelled to put this on my blog. So, here you go... Whatya Want From Me - Adam Lambert

(Don't forget to turn the music player [at the bottom of the screen] off)

Don't ask me what the reason is behind it, because I truly do not know... All I know is every time I have come across this song in the past week I have had an urge to put a video of it on my blog. You would not believe how many times I have heard this song this week purely by chance and at the most random of times... Eerily enough it is almost as if it was intentionally played each time... If ever there was a message in a lyric, here it is. Oh the things that happen in day to day life.

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