My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Always the bridesmaid, Never wanted to be the Bride...

Here it is, the official wedding count... I will have been a bridesmaid and/or maid of honor for my 27th wedding this August. I will have played a part, in some way or another, in 35 weddings beginning at the age of 5. (Unless you count my parents wedding, to which I was somewhat present... I was the size of a peanut! Bah Ha!)

Yes, I am fully aware that 27 dresses is in fact the story of my life. Actually, it is because of that movie that I went back and counted the weddings in the first place, and have kept track ever since. No, I don't keep all the dresses. I don't keep the bouquets either. And, I don't value the number of the wedding more than the bride, or groom (whomever I am closer to). Every wedding is unique, and special, and something to be celebrated! The numbering is just a fun little thing to note at the top of my journal entry. 

Photograph found Here.


Jim and Amber Forman said...

If it makes you feel any better, I"ve only been a bridesmaid once!

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