My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Alright, Alright! Stop whining! I'll update...

I think I got shorter... I mean really... that or my pants went through a growth spurt. I pulled a pair out of the dryer, put them on, and they were longer! At least they fit around the waist! No, I haven't gained real weight it's because well, the infection is still holding hostage in my appendix. It's nice in some ways... I no longer have to keeps tabs on my belts. In fact, I don't think I could find any one of the 12 billion belts I have...

Sunnie has given me a new look once again. Only this one won't fade. We cut a lot of hair off. Before you all get your panties in a bunch... it's just layers. I didn't take a lot of length off. The layers are alternative, which is more fun for me. I am able to play with them, and what not. I love her all the more as time goes by! Sunnie Lynn Rushton you are a work and a wonder!

It has been raining for the past week, and I am in love with it. The snow, may die. I promise I wouldn't mind... But the rain is more than welcome to stay! It means summer dresses, and shorts are well on their way. I would love it if I could put away my sweaters, and just wear my summer dresses every day.

The music world has taken my heart. It is official. Music is my Mr. Right. While there are a few boys happening in my life (it may or may not be what you think...) music is still my goodnight kiss. I don't think there are many with more music selections than I. (Aside from the all amazing Courtland Gustafson...) I don't know how much more my i-tunes, or my window media will be able to hold. The Fall Out Boy concert was phenomenal! (Just in case you were wondering, and Thanks to Ammi for the tickets!) Also, in light of the artistry in music... I have been doing a lot of sketching of late, and I finished another painting. Works of art... Yes, I am taking a moment of self-glorified enthusiasms and excitement at what I have created.

There is a feeling I have stirring inside... it's feels as though a piece of my past is conferring with my present, and what that holds for my future only time will tell. What I do know, is God has everything in his hands, so whatever needs to happen... Will happen. I am so grateful for what I have been given, and I pray that whatever is coming will bring happiness in the end, to all involved. What I do know are the months of May, July, August, (the beginning of) September, October, (end of) November, and December will all hold treasures that will shake the world in which I live. I have yet to be wrong on the dates I have given and predicted for the shocking events that have happened in the past few months. Praise the heavens for intuition! It gives me a buffer for things that are coming. Thanks to everyone who has stood with me through the present situation. (Did I not say April would bring something big!?) It will get better. Irony is sweet, is it not!? Well... at least I am able to laugh at it. What more is there for us to do, than enjoy what life has to bring, laugh at what we cannot, and move forward with the rest. If there is one thing I know for sure it is my life has never been slow.


Jim and Amber Forman said...

Very insightful, though i already know everything that was posted!

Jess Meredith said...

Haha! You are in every day... I would hope you already know everything! Hahaha!