My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

You have to go through it to get to the end of it.

Model: Sarah
Taken: 2006, re-edited 2010

Short update... 

Living with Sunnie and her brother Trever. 
     -Long story but here is the shortest version I can come up with -- my mom finally lost it. She flipped over something I didn't do, but since I am the one that is always around I got the brunt of it.  Scared Sunnie who was on the phone with me at the time. Blah blah this, blah blah that, she can't decide if she likes me or not (I love my mum, she's just super stressed.) so I'm left somewhat homeless for now. Which has actually been fine! I was able to spend more time with my daddy while he was in the hospital! I've been adopted by the Rushton family, and I've been able to make new friends and visit old ones! Yay!

Hopefully starting work with Grandma Gus.
     -I am actually really excited for this one! Not really sure what I'll be doing, but my grandmother is a cool lady!

Daddy is home.
     -Open heart surgery went really well! He's up and moving around.

Boys, boys, boys.
     -I've had lots of fun these past few months, making friends, playing with old ones, and accomplishing things on the bucket list! Also, I was given a new CTR ring! It's quite pretty! Thanks Amos! AND! I may or may not have finally ended my boyfriend boycott...
Ta Da!

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