My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers


1-Don't assume things...
2-Don't assume things.
3-Don't assume things!

Words to remember: I really don't give a tinkers damn what other people think, or how they perceive my actions or my particular feelings on a matter are. If I say one thing, it's probably the truth. I hate liars, and refuse to become one myself. So, thanks, for making an ass out of both you and me. And the next time you run across the thought "hmm, well it looks like this, and people agree with me so I'll ass-u-me she feels this way..." throw it away, and learn to freaking spell. Better yet, why not just ask me and then trust what I say? Hmmm, now there's a thought...!

I typically mean what I say. Just because it looks/appears different to you, doesn't mean a damn thing to me. I am different from you. I do things in a very different manner from most people, and I show/express things in a different way. Especially emotions! Don't assume you know what I am feeling just because you think "It looks that way to everyone" or my personal favorite, "It's what I do when I feel that way..."

Words of advice: I'M NOT YOU!

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