My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

You're Awfully Small To Be So Hugely Irritating

For those of you clever enough to have figured out how to read that last post! Nice going! I'm rather impressed... Stop asking me what I would say if he asked me to date again...
...I am going to give you the same answer I gave my bishop...
My first instinct would be to say no. Let me tell you why. First, we have the most amazing relationship right now. We have the friendship almost perfected. I'd hate to have anything complicate things further, unless I knew the friendship could last through absolutely anything. I believe it will, but I am not willing to test that theory by doing something stupid. That is my first priority. Second, I will not do anything his family cannot or will not support him in. They need to come before me. Always. The decisions he makes are his own in the end, but his family needs to be considered. He and I would have to talk long and hard before I said or did anything. That kind of a decision requires a lot of thought and preparation. For me at least... I know we aren't the same people we were back in high school; but again, we have this friendship; our relationship with one another, almost perfect and I will do what I can to protect it...
I don't think my bishop particularly like that answer, and I don't expect anyone else to either... No offense, but whether Stanley or I decide to date one another, or stay as best friends for the rest of our lives is ultimately our decision, and what we do is completely our business. You have no say. I respect your input, and your opinion... but that's the great thing about opinions! You can have one, and not be agreed with! So, thank you, but with all due respect... would you kindly butt out!

1 comment:

amrust said...

Amen, Jess, amen!!