My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

I Like What You Say...

Bah, I've got baby on the brain! Everyone is having babies and I don't even know what to do with myself anymore! I have been named Godmother. It's all so exciting, and so frightening at the same time! I feel like I am missing something here... am I supposed to be having kids now too? I certainly hope not! I am so far away from even wanting to be married right now. Give me a year and maybe I'll think about it. I want time to be selfish and to reach a few goals first! I like being 'mama Jess' and 'auntie sessie' to these adorable little toddlers! Now, there is another infant to love and spoil... goodness no wonder I am out of money! Hahaha!
Updates on everyone... Stanley was rained on for his first couple of days in DC, (read his blog)... Brooke is flying to Hawaii at this very moment in time. She has been in San Francisco visiting her very best friend Tien since Saturday... and that is pretty much all for right now. Sunnie is still here, Jo hasn't moved yet, and I won't start my travels until June!
Mothers Day we wound up having the cops called on us. Ryan, Leesa, Miranda, Emma and I all went to our favorite park in Bountiful to see our Grams. We migrated to Adelaide Elementary so my uncle Andrew would be able to take his gigantic dog out of his car. As Adelaide was the elementary Ryan, Leesa and I went to we went crazy! Memories all over the freaking place! As is tradition we went from the 'old playground' to Candyman lane, to the Adelaide Lake (it was raining, Adelaide Lake is the 4th-6th grade basketball court when it rains... It's right beneath the East Slope so it can go up almost to knee length depending on the rain pour!) We ran up the East slope, to "safe spot" and the best yet, we climbed on top of the elementary school. The roof is fantastic, however it is now illegal... hahaha! We hadn't climbed down a moment too soon when the blasted Bountiful po-po walked up and started talking to my uncle Andrew and his wife. Andrew is awesome. All of my mom's brothers are! The cop asked if we had seen anyone on the roof of the school. Andrew said no, but his adorable son Jorden said yes! The cop asked who, and Jorden being the smart little kid said... I dunno, the kids. We all froze, we were sure he was going to point to Ryan. My grams, Andrew, Dianna, Jo, myself, Ryan, and Leesa all let out our breath. Miranda was hiding in my car. She was convinced we were going to be arrested. Emma didn't even care she was too busy playing with Andrew's youngest little boy Tanner. The cop pulled his Charger around and parked a little ways behind us and watched. Andrew pulled out first and kept the cop distracted so I could leave the opposite way. My mom's family is hilarious. They are always ready for an adventure, so long as it's not too tame... Man, we've had so many near death experiences. Adams Canyon is by far my favorite. I thought I was going to die when I slipped down the waterfall... Luckily I have both a Navy Seal reserve, and a former National Guard reserve for uncles! Rock climbing is still my favorite thing to do in the summer... I just can't go up waterfalls after that, I am not near heavy enough anymore. I can't wait for August! We are going to Colorado for my uncle Tim's wedding. Jesse promised he'd bring his motorcycle and he'd let me drive. Tim, Andrew, and Billy are all going to show Jo and I around the cliffs. Jo and I are going to Lava Hot Springs in June maybe, and No, I am not going to be trapped in the middle of the river again thank you! I've learned my lesson, thankfully Jo and I are loved by the angels! Haha! Story for another day!
So, Stanley leaves and suddenly I am being asked out left and right... I don't understand this! We weren't dating people! I haven't lifted my no serious relationships rule, nor have a changed anything since he left... but whatever I'll go with it.
Amy is here to pick me up for our weekly temple day! It's a beautiful way to start a Tuesday!
Love Always,

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