My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Happiness makes up in height for what it lacks in length. - Robert Frost

Have you ever asked someone to wish you luck? Most of us have, and we automatically assume them to wish us ‘good luck’ we didn’t specify it, nor did we ask for that particular thing, it’s just common norm to expect it to be a positive thing… when in reality all you wished for was luck… neither good nor bad, just luck…
It's been quite the year, and it's just reached May. Isn't it funny the way a year will twist and turn. The adventures you go on, and the difference it makes in the lives of so very many. We are all so consumed by what is going on in our own lives that it shocks us every time we hear of someone else going through a hard time. It has dawned on me yet again that you never truly know a person. There is no way to ever know someone in entirety. We have no idea who they are, or what they are going to do. That guy you just cut off might be the next mayor of your city... Your child's best friend could someday turn into one of the worlds top lawyers; and catch you in a bind. Who knows what the Lord has in store for us. I was talking to my dear friend Sunnie last night. We were sitting on swings at the Riverton Park and I was ranting as usual. I was screaming, and yelling about the stupidity of everyone around me, and what would happen if they would just listen to the guardian angels around them. They would be so much happier, and life would be going in the directions that they had wanted. We started talking about the future and where we hoped to be going, and who we wanted to stay close to. Sunnie is going to be one of the worlds most famous hair stylists, and she is well on her way to becoming so. Won't it be interesting once our generation is the "old" generation and we see who rises to the top, and who winds up on a street corner holding a "feed me" sign. Then it's the "hey, I went to high school with that guy;" be it good, great, or not so note worthy we are all going somewhere.
Good luck, or bad luck... we asked for luck, and that's what we are going to get.

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