My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Just In Case You Were Wondering...

Today: 1:50pm... Appointment with Dr. Zimmerman = Scheduled MRI, and prescription of Tramadol.
Here's to hoping this heavy-duty drug cures the migraine pain, as nothing else has been able to touch it. When I say nothing, I mean Nothing... I have tried just about everything, from standing on my head ;) to every over the counter drug I could think of.

Thursday: 1:30pm... Scheduled MRI @ Alta View Hospital.
On the hope that the never-ending migraine I have had for the past week and a half is the culprit behind the pain, insomnia, and random numbness...


amrust said...

Hun! That's not cool I loathe migraines not only temporarily, but for a week and a half!!? Let me know if you need anything or just wanna talk, it's been a long while! luv you!

Jess Meredith said...

Oh Amy I love you!

amrust said...

:D yes I know, but really how can you not haha

Jess Meredith said...

It's so very true! hahaha!

We need to make an arbys run. Soon!