My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Cameron Mark Gustafson 6lbs 10oz 18" long

I proudly present to you Cameron Mark Gustafson. He joined us here in the open world at 2:12pm December 13th 2008. A healthy happy baby boy, weighing in at 6lbs 10.8oz, 18" long! He's a calm little guy. Good thing too, because he's going to have a lot of people in his face. Especially his big sisters Miranda (9) and Emma (6). He and my mom will be home Monday for those of you who would like to stop by and see my 'love bug' yes... I call my brother 'love bug' I'm sorry but it fit.
He had a bit of trouble breathing when he first came to see us. The nurses got him going after a few minutes and he turned a lovely shade of pink!
Happy Baby!
Daddy and Baby!
Momma and Baby!
Ryan and his new baby brother... Cameron and his reaction to his brother.
Leesa just fell in love with this little boy... Cameron's face right before he began whimpering...

This little boy has my grandpa's nose. My curly strawberry blonde hair. He has my dad's ears, 'ribbon' lips and hands, and we're guessing he'll have more of my mom in his face. He doesn't cry. He gives a single yelp and then he's good. It's rather funny. He is a boy, it is certain! The minute they got him cleaned up he was searching around for food. He first found his fist... then the Binky... once my mom was out of surgery (having her last tube removed...) he found relief at last. He's our wiggly miracle child!

1 comment:

amrust said...

Ahh!!! He's so adorable! He's stubborn just like his big sister haha