My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Best. Comments. Ever.

This would be me leaving you a comment there by conferring an obligation upon you to reciprocate in an appropriate manner due to the afore mentioned imposition. The previous statement is endowed with certain ramifications that could be beneficial or detrimental depending on the speed of your fulfillment of the implicit contractual obligation hence forth imposed. Other mitigating factors you might want to consider include the facts that you know me both personally and professionally and also that it is hard to say that you wouldn't want to get with this...
-Stanley Langford Lloyd

(insert colloquial Salutation here)
(generic acknowledgement of annual ageing celebration)
(obligatory statement about longing to have contact)
(generic parting statement)
-Jessica Meredith Gustafson

1 comment:

Preston said...

I have reconnoitered your comment in search any connotations it may have with regards as to my rejoinder and any compulsory content. As the 'appropriate manner' is not defined (by the author) I cannot respond in such a manner knowingly. There is also the apocryphal nature of the one intended for the said 'obligation'. As this person is not defined, I have no choice but to reject the obligation as it pertains to me.