My Baby Girl

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Awkward Words of Advice for those of You Getting Freaky..

Okay ladies, so this is going to be an out of the ordinary post. Especially as I am not active in this brand of excersise... but, I have had a few married friends learn and experience a lovely dance called the 'Kidney Stone' dance. It causes enough pain to make labor a breeze...

Just a friendly suggestion...

GO PEE AFTER EVERY TIME YOU GET 'FREAKY'... (aka. The Happy Horizontal Dance or Sexual intercourse. Whichever label you are more comfortable with.) ... ;)

This also helps with the prevention of UTI's, bladder/kidney infections for those of you who are sexually active in the present.

Thank you to my mother for sharing this tip with me, and now the internet!


Jess Meredith said...

Yes. But I am a well informed dork that you find humorous and amusing.


amrust said...

You've been reading to many blogs sweet Jess! haha, but it's true pee, pee, pee! haha <3

Jess Meredith said...

Haha, not so much reading blogs as listening to friends complaining...

It's funny though that her blog fits right in. isn't it!