My Baby Girl

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Day 1 (10/17/10) - A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

This is the most recent picture of myself I have on this particular computer. :) It's from this past February, when I went on the Bahama/Mexico Gulf cruise with my family. This is my sister Leesa and I at the beach in Honduras.

1: I am naturally a strawberry blond, but I highlight my hair to blend in the platinum blond strips that grow in along my face line. If I don't it looks like I have racing stripes when I pull my hair into a pony tail. :)
2: I have an obsession with french fries, and RedBull.
3: I read. All the time.
4: I prefer to 'feel' a situation out before I really take active part in what is going on.
5: I tend to date people with the same name. Un-intentionally.
6: I love to learn about new ways to learn how to read/identify/understand different personalities.
7: I have always wanted a summer wedding.
8: I have more guy friends than girl friends.
9: I hate the cold, and I can't stand snow after Christmas passes.
10: My favorite dessert is Cannoli.
11: My favorite flowers are lilies, roses, and Gerber daisies.
12: I love to travel.
13: I haven't had a 'real' job in over 2 years. Not really by choice, but it's turned out to be a blessing.
14: I love old movies. Pride and Prejudice, Gone With The Wind, Roman Holiday, etc.
15: I understand/speak car language, and can fix my own vehicle, but am rarely 'allowed' to because I am a girl.

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